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[SOLVED] Deactivate Lightbox in Listing - shop in 1.7.9 r539

Posted: Wed 21. Oct 2015, 18:36
by hal
Hi all,

my problem is like follows:

In product listing I have one DIV box per product, containing 2 other DIVs - the first with a product image and the other with some descriptions.
Now I would like to wrap a link around the outer DIV, so no matter if you clicked on the image or parts of the text, or a free area in between - you would be brought to the respective product's detail view.

But that is prevented by the systems lightbox effect, which wraps the lightbox-link around the image.
As nested links (<a> tags) don't work I can't get the effect I want, like described above.

I CAN wrap the link around the inner DIV containing the text bits, of course.

And this happens despite the respective switch in the template (image_list_lightbox = FALSE/TRUE) is set to FALSE. So I assume that this switch is, for some reason, not working.

Or I have missed something/ made something wrong without noticing.

I have already posted that in the German forum but didn't find a solution - so out of desperation I try it here, hoping anyone might have run into the same issue and could resolve it.
So any help/ hint would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Deactivate Lightbox in Listing - shop in 1.7.9 r539

Posted: Thu 22. Oct 2015, 11:39
by Oliver Georgi
Life could be easier reading first! ... t.html#L59

Re: Deactivate Lightbox in Listing - shop in 1.7.9 r539

Posted: Thu 22. Oct 2015, 18:10
by hal
Hi Oliver - thanks for your reply.

Obviously I did not express myself really clear - of course the first thing I did is setting that switch to FALSE (I use de.html) - and to be on the safe side (despite I was sure that de.html was the one I am using, as all my changes I made there did appear on the site correctly) I also set the respective switches in default.html and en.html to FALSE, too!

I am clearly not an expert, and all kinds of code functions in js or php go kinda beyond my understanding - but I am not THAT dumb :lol: :lol:

So in all three html templates those switches look like that:

Code: Select all

image_list_lightbox = FALSE
Also I have had a look at frontend.render.php, where I found a similar switch - and there it is set on 'false' as well (I suppose frontend.render.php reads the template's settings anyway...)

Nevertheless lightbox still opens the images...

Have a look if you like:

PS: Could it have something to do with having included 'custom_frontend_render.php' by adding

Code: Select all

to frontend.render.php? Though I don't really think it could - cause when I took that line out I could not see any changes to that lightbox behavior...

Re: Deactivate Lightbox in Listing - shop in 1.7.9 r539

Posted: Thu 22. Oct 2015, 19:03
by Oliver Georgi
I cannot tell what is wrong at your site — just try in your custom fe render

Code: Select all


Re: Deactivate Lightbox in Listing - shop in 1.7.9 r539

Posted: Fri 23. Oct 2015, 09:54
by hal
This is what I get:

image_list_lightbox is obviously not switched off... despite I set all three switches to FALSE (btw silly question probably - does upper case/ lower case matter??)

But WHY?? Obviously other settings DO work: The height and with for image list image of 175 and image detail width and height of 300 has been set by me (in de.html - and ONLY in de.html)! :?:

Where do I determine which template shall be used - for me I just tried and found it was de.html - but I could try using default.html instead, given I know how to change to that.

Code: Select all

[price_option_suffix] => | {$}|
    [image_list_width] => 175
    [image_list_height] => 175
    [image_detail_width] => 300
    [image_detail_height] => 300
    [image_zoom_width] => 800
    [image_zoom_height] => 800
    [image_list_lightbox] => 1
    [image_detail_lightbox] => 1
    [image_detail_crop] => 1
    [image_list_crop] => 
    [mail_customer_subject] => [#{ORDER}] Bestellbestätigung von MeinOnlineShop
    [mail_neworder_subject] => [#{ORDER}] Neue Bestellung
    [label_payby_prepay] => Vorauskasse
    [label_payby_pod] => Nachnahme
    [label_payby_onbill] => Rechnung
    [order_number_style] => DE%05s
    [cat_list_sort_by] => shopprod_ordernumber DESC
    [shop_css] => shop.css
    [shop_wrap] => Array
            [prefix] => <div class="shop">

            [suffix] => 

    [image_detail_more_width] => 90
    [image_detail_more_height] => 65
    [image_detail_more_crop] => true
    [image_detail_more_start] => 2
    [image_detail_more_lightbox] => FALSE
    [files_direct_download] => 1
    [files_template] => shop-de.tmpl
    [on_request_trigger] => -999
    [pagetitle_productname] => %s
    [pagetitle_model] => , Modell: %s
    [pagetitle_add] => %S- %s
    [pagetitle_ordernumber] => %S(Bestellnr.: %s)
    [pagetitle] => %1$s%2$s%3$s%4$s
    [class_form_product_cart_option] => product-cart-option
    [class_shop_amount] => shop-amount
    [class_cart_add_button] => cart-add-button
    [class_product_option_1] => product-option-1
    [class_product_option_2] => product-option-2
    [class_form_cart] => shop-cart
    [shop_field_1] => STRING_REQ_Label
    [shop_field_2] => STRING_Benutzerdefiniertes Feld
    [class_prefix_shop_mode] => shop-list
    [shop_field] => Array
            [1] => Array
                    [type] => STRING
                    [required] => 1
                    [label] => Label

            [2] => Array
                    [type] => STRING
                    [required] => 
                    [label] => Benutzerdefiniertes Feld


    [shop_url] => aid=9
    [cart_url] => aid=9
    [init_lightbox] => 1
    [mode] => list
    [lightbox_id] => 

Re: Deactivate Lightbox in Listing - shop in 1.7.9 r539

Posted: Fri 23. Oct 2015, 10:15
by Oliver Georgi
it seems you have a problem setting it well. Instead of true/false you can use 0 and 1. And remember — it is (WIN.)INI style — not PHP or anything else

Re: Deactivate Lightbox in Listing - shop in 1.7.9 r539

Posted: Fri 23. Oct 2015, 10:47
by hal
Thanks a 1000 times - you made my day :D

Using '0' instead of 'FALSE' did the trick!!!

Didn't know that I could try that - but will not forget :)

Re: [SOLVED] Deactivate Lightbox in Listing - shop in 1.7.9

Posted: Fri 23. Oct 2015, 11:06
by Oliver Georgi
I will change the default values to 0 and 1 instead of true/false.