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scrolling in iframe of fancybox - main window also scrolls

Posted: Sat 8. Mar 2014, 19:17
by macangelo
Hi, I have another problem

I open an iframe in the fancy box (some real estate offers, coming from another website, I have no other options).

The content in the iframe is longer than the fancy box so I have to scroll - so far no problem. But in Safari (Mac - didn't check on Windows) when I scroll in the iframe of the fancybox the main window that's sitting behind in the background is also sliding.

I searched a little and found this proposal in another forum but it doesn't help so far:

$("#scrollOnlyHere").scroll(function (event) {

thanks a lot

Re: scrolling in iframe of fancybox - main window also scrol

Posted: Sun 9. Mar 2014, 07:28
by Oliver Georgi
Use FancyBox support for this please.