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Upgrade (big) problem

Posted: Fri 8. Jun 2012, 22:59
by design
Hi everybody.
I did an upgrade (in reality I did it twice, but with the same result) from 1.4.7 to 1.5.4.

After the upgrade the problem is:

-I don't see any file list in the frontend (but files are visible in backend)
-I don't see any template in the backend area (admin zone)
-In the frontend Images gallery: i see all the thumbs, but if I click on an image then I can't see the larger version (in fact, the system rewrites every single image url like this: content/images/temp_5588826b3d7ad2e57da4513acd366eac.jpg - so adding a temp_)
-charset problem.

So after five hour of tries I'm asking you: have you got any idea?

PHP version: 5.3.10
MySQL: 5.1.x/community edition
Apache: 2.2.x
Os: Centos 5.8 64bit

Re: Upgrade (big) problem

Posted: Sat 9. Jun 2012, 05:58
by juergen
This looks like a need of checking charset settings mostly in the Database section. Did you change anything? Did you checkup new against old ?

Re: Upgrade (big) problem

Posted: Sat 9. Jun 2012, 07:16
by Oliver Georgi
…it can be anything, don't think it is a charset related problem. More a path problem and/or missed upgrade steps.

Re: Upgrade (big) problem

Posted: Sat 9. Jun 2012, 14:32
by design
Because I needed two sites living together (the old version with old graphic design) and the new one (new cms version + new graphic) I duplicated the DB. And probably something went wrong. So all the problem was in my new DB. In fact, I did a simple and easy test: I just change the DB connection in my new config file directing to my old DB.
Everything is fine. So the problem was in the new DB, as you supposed.
And I feel so stupid! :oops:
Thank you so much for your attention.