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FCKeditor not working

Posted: Thu 31. May 2012, 21:21
by Haasboy
I've got a problem where fckeditor is not working, instead of displaying the editor, it replaces it with the frontend, showing the 404 error!

Does anybody know how to fix this issue. CKeditor displays, but I need fckeditor to work as well!

Re: FCKeditor not working

Posted: Thu 31. May 2012, 22:51
by flip-flop
I think you have switched to rewrite_url and uses the extend .html

Insert into the .htaccess:

Code: Select all

# Ignore
	RewriteRule ^(include|img|template|picture|filearchive|content)/ - [L]

Re: FCKeditor not working

Posted: Thu 31. May 2012, 23:29
by Haasboy
Yes, I have switch to rewrite_url, although I already have that line in the .htaccess

Re: FCKeditor not working

Posted: Thu 31. May 2012, 23:42
by Haasboy
This is what my .htaccess file looks like

Code: Select all

# These settings are recommend
# Check phpinfo() before try these
#	register_globals ON
#	php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
# 	php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off
#	php_flag register_globals Off

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

# Check that you have set Options FollowSymLinks
# and right Allow
	Options +FollowSymLinks
	RewriteEngine On

	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

# maybe you need this
	DirectoryIndex index.html index.php 

# Default ReWrite settings for phpwcms
# ====================================

	RewriteBase /beta_2

# Ignore
	RewriteRule ^(include|img|template|picture|filearchive|content)/ - [L]

# Rewrite => index.php?id=
	RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.html$ index.php?id=$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6

# Rewrite mypage.html => index.php?mypage
	RewriteRule ^(.+)\.html$ index.php?$1


#Sometimes neccessary to add those
AddType application/x-javascript .js
AddType text/css .css

Re: FCKeditor not working

Posted: Fri 1. Jun 2012, 08:39
by flip-flop

I can not reproduce this behavior.
Tested with the release r490.


Re: FCKeditor not working

Posted: Fri 1. Jun 2012, 15:12
by Haasboy
I thought I should mention I get this error when I'm logged into the backend, and I create a new article.

Instead of FCKeditor displaying, it replaces the area where the editor was suppose to appear with the frontend site, displaying a 404 error.

This happens with content parts as well that have the wysywig feature included!

I didn't exactly explain where the issue occurs in my first post!

Re: FCKeditor not working

Posted: Sat 2. Jun 2012, 07:29
by juergen
switch to CKEditor in Profile. Same problem with my install using fckEditor.

Re: FCKeditor not working

Posted: Sat 2. Jun 2012, 15:08
by Oliver Georgi
empty browser cache.