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Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sat 17. Dec 2011, 23:22
by dinnocon
I have just upgraded to the latest version of PHPWCMS. I just backed the files up from my server, then deleted them off and replaced with the phpwcms_r426 anf foolowed th installation instructions. I didn't touch the database and just point the new install to it. I also copied across the in_css files from the old site, logged into the backend and made sure my page template was correct and bound the right css to it. I went to look at the site through a browser and get a 404 page though I can see the site structure. When I log back into the admin area all I have in my articels list is Home and the following at the top of the page - {STATUS_MESSAGE}{BE_PARSE_LANG}. I now have no idea where to go. Can anyone please point me in the right direction or advise? Thank you

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2011, 08:29
by juergen
you missed to first run


and there take your choice new install / -->upgrade .

with all the old data on the server, overwriten by the new 426. So it should not been acccidentily destroyed, but :

restore the old data (thats good for some of your templates a.s.o.)
restore (wo. delete) , restore chmods , the new data, run upgrade as said on top.

Perhaps some few problems will rest, so welcome back with them

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2011, 10:49
by dinnocon
Thank you for this. Just so that I am clear, the process is -
1- Download latest release
2- Make a note of all the database settings
3- Unzip and upload new version to server in place of old one
4- Change CHMODS
5- Run setup and select the upgrade option

Hopefully that is correct. Thank you

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2011, 11:13
by juergen
in this way no 4 is not needed. I pushed up a new translation in this section where every case is dealed ... !

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2011, 12:20
by dinnocon
Hopefully one final question. In the upgrade process how do I know which SQL file to choose from the dropdown?

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2011, 12:59
by juergen
This has to come from the release number.

If you do not know exactly begin with one you are shure and do ignore error messages from phpwcms. It is ok (later some error correction) to go throught copletely.
Mostly indexes into the DB will be doubled which is not good...

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2011, 13:28
by dinnocon
I must be missing something. I have followed the instructions, yet still get {STATUS_MESSAGE}{BE_PARSE_LANG} error while browsing related articles when I try to see my articles in the backend. The site structure is there, just no content. Have I made a newbie error?

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2011, 16:43
by dinnocon
I have now reached the point where instead of the above message, I am getting 'error while browsing related articles' when I try to browse my articles list. I can see some of the last edited articles from the backend homepage, but can't see the content through the frontend or anywhere else. Am at the point where I am concerned that whatever s=else I do may impact further on the site. Advice now needed desperately please.....

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2011, 17:34
by juergen
And what do they say the errors ?

Here's the one I didn't find this morning: ... ion/update

Check it across the things you did until now.

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Sun 18. Dec 2011, 21:30
by dinnocon
Ok, here is what I ended up doing after a very frustrating day. I did a clean install of the latest release into a subdirectory and have pointed that at the existing database. I has picked up the file structure again, but not the articles content. Head in hands as I have no idea what to do know. I thought the new installation route would be better as I looked at the above site and am sure I covered off all of the points, though I am back to '{STATUS_MESSAGE}{BE_PARSE_LANG} error while browsing related articles' When I try to view the articles in the back end. I can however see them when I first log into the back end. Is there a specific file I need to copy over from my old installation that pulls the articles content in? I can't find it.

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Mon 19. Dec 2011, 01:51
by flip-flop
What old CMS version was used?

For questions in the forum about the updates, it is important to add a reasonably accurate description of the installed release. In the file /include/inc_lib/ is the version number and the date recorded.
Up to version 1.3.5 any changes were kept in the file /changelog.txt.

01.a Find my current version

In old versions you have an entry in include/inc_lib/ at the end of the file called:

$phpwcms["version"] = Version No.

In newer versions there is an entry in include/inc_lib/ around line 135 called:

$phpwcms["release"] = Release No.
$phpwcms["release_date"] = Release date

In brand new versions there is an entry in include/inc_lib/ around line 245 called:

$phpwcms["release"] = Release No.
$phpwcms["release_date"] = Release date
$phpwcms["revision"] = Revision

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Mon 19. Dec 2011, 02:06
by dinnocon
Good to see you, it has been a while :D

I checked the file you advised me to look in, and the version details are as follows -
$phpwcms["release"] = '1.3.3';
$phpwcms["release_date"] = '2007/05/02';

I have that version running in the root of my webserver and the latest release in a subdirectory. Does that make sense?

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Mon 19. Dec 2011, 02:38
by flip-flop
Yes it make sense.

1. Logout from your new system
2. Have a look into the folder content/tmp/ and delete all *.tmp files
3. Make a clean copy of your old DB using phpMyAdmin for the new installation.
4. Adjust your old with the new
5. Running setup/setup/setup.php -> upgrade
6. DB Update: In your case
- 19
- 19
- 20
- 21
- 22
7. Running point 8.) if you need
8. Login and make a test
9. Save your template once again and have a look to the JS-Library in your template.


Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Tue 20. Dec 2011, 23:44
by dinnocon
Hi Knut,

I followed your instructions, but still got {STATUS_MESSAGE}{BE_PARSE_LANG} error while browsing related articles when I tried to view my articles list. Any other advice I am happy for you to see the backend if that helps

Re: Upgraded to latest verion and can't see my content

Posted: Wed 21. Dec 2011, 06:47
by update