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changing preview length?

Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 19:12
by Dom
I can't find the setting anymore where I can change the length of article previews before they're cut and the "more" link appears.

And more important: is it easy to find and did I make a complete fool of myself now? I really searched and searched and read config files and and and... ;)

Thanks a lot! :)

Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 19:20
by Pappnase

you decide hwo long the article (preview) is! so you place 4 lines in the summary it will show 4 lines!*smile* :wink:

Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 23:21
by Dom
Damn, that happens when your memory mixes different CMS things. D'oh! 8)