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HTML editor in article center decided not to work....

Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 17:42
by XplosiveConcepts
Hey everyone,

Yesterday FCKeditor was working just fine, and now today when i go to create an article, the summary box shows a small X in the top left corner and the editor doesnt come up. It seems the script isn't being called correctly or maybe the script itself is not functioning?

I've searched the site, havent found any posts with this problem. Went into the file, changed the WYSIWYG editor options a few times, closed my browser windows, etc etc and nothing....

Any ideas on what happened? The only thing i did between last night and this morning was turn off my computer and then turn it on.

user: test
pass: test



Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 17:59
by Pappnase

i was logged in! and the editor works fine! try to delete your browser cache. also install the new version!*smile*

Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 18:12
by XplosiveConcepts

I'm jealous! I see how it does work, but not for me! :?

I deleted my browser cache as per your suggestion and still no luck.

Do you think upgrading will fix it?

Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 18:46
by Pappnase
XplosiveConcepts wrote:Pappnase,

I'm jealous! I see how it does work, but not for me! :?

I deleted my browser cache as per your suggestion and still no luck.

Do you think upgrading will fix it?

can't tell you if this will fix it. but in RC4 you have much more features.

Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 18:55
by XplosiveConcepts
Supposing the upgrade does not work...

What else could be causing the problem? It's quite strange!


Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 18:56
by Pappnase
XplosiveConcepts wrote:Supposing the upgrade does not work...

What else could be causing the problem? It's quite strange!

i can only imagine that this is an error of your system! wich browser did
you use!?

edit did you use a firewall!?

Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 19:10
by XplosiveConcepts
Hi Pappnase,

I am using IE6 on an XP Pro machine....I do not know if there is a firewall involved, although i'm sure it is possible because I am in my office at work.

Here is what it looks like when I try to create a new article or edit an existing one:


Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 19:27
by Pappnase
strange! did you made some system changes in xp!? or try to include a hack!?

Posted: Fri 4. Jun 2004, 19:47
by XplosiveConcepts

No changes at all...I did setup a model template and pagelayout to resemble the phpwcms website, images and all, but thats just a template...

I've rebooted my computer and still nothing.

Maybe i'll just uninstall phpwcms and reinstall it clean... :(

Thanks for all your help.


fck editor

Posted: Fri 13. Aug 2004, 17:32
by amadeus

ich wollte ein paar tricks die aud der webseite von pepe beschrieben sind ausprobieren und habe in der conf auf den fck editor gewechselt.
nun habe ich das gleiche problem.
siehe screenshot ein bischen höher...

irgendjemand einen tip? (browsecache leeren hilft nicht)

gruß amadeus

Posted: Fri 13. Aug 2004, 18:20
by Pappnase

hast du schonmal geschaut wohin den link geht!?
denke du hast ein pfadproblem! mache mal rechtsklick aufs kreuz und schau mal nach!

pfad stimmt denke ich...

Posted: Fri 13. Aug 2004, 20:06
by amadeus
hallo pappnase,

der pfad zeigt auf :

ist er das?

wenn ich mir mir rechtsklick in dem "sandfarbenen" bereich mir den quellcode anzeigen lasse, erhalte ich folgenden text:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
* FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
* Copyright (C) 2003 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* (
* For further information go to
* or contact
* fckeditor.html: Main page that holds the editor.
* Authors:
* Frederico Caldeira Knabben (


scheint also zu stimmen, das ding wird nur nicht angezeigt.
es gibt ja mittlerweile eine neue version, kann man die da so einfach
oder sind bestimmte anpassungen nötig?

gruß amadeus

Posted: Fri 13. Aug 2004, 20:16
by Pappnase

komischer fehler! hast du java eingeschaltet!? eine firewall am laufen?
oder die sicherheitseinstellungen im ie verändert?!

Posted: Fri 13. Aug 2004, 20:17
by DeXXus

Code: Select all

// The editor base path 
// You have to update it with you web site configuration 
$FCKeditorBasePath = "/".$phpwcms["root"]."include/inc_ext/FCKeditor/" ; 

Code: Select all

// The editor base path 
// You have to update it with you web site configuration 
$FCKeditorBasePath = $phpwcms["site"].$phpwcms["root"]."include/inc_ext/FCKeditor/" ;