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Problem: Webstat Mod

Posted: Sat 29. May 2004, 10:30
by nekket

I just installed the VTS Webstat MOD for phpwcms. Now, I get this error message in the backend in the VTS section:
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: phpopentracker_api_access_statistics.php in /var/www-hosting/XXXX/html/cms/include/inc_ext/phpOpenTracker/phpOpenTracker/API.php on line 265
Any ideas? :?

Posted: Sat 29. May 2004, 10:36
by nekket
I HATE it... problem solved: The problem was Dreamweaver MX and it's LCK files. Uploading files with dreamweaver and activated check-in/out creates a lck-file for every file with informations, who checked that file out and includes some comments....

Just deleted these files and VTS works fine... :P

Posted: Sat 29. May 2004, 11:23
by pSouper
thanks ofr the tip N.