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Template Problems with new PHP Version on

Posted: Fri 1. Jul 2011, 13:46
by marcus@localhorst
This is not a question, but a solution.

I noticed a strange behaviour in my PHPWCMS website. It was with the phpwcms_output_section funtionality in phpwcms (access snippets of html from content enclosed in <!--SNIP_START//--><html><!--SNIP_END//-->)
because it returned nothing.
This could be happen on other parts where templates had to render a huge amount of data. (Like in my case)

After hours of tracking back this issue I remember the same problem on another non phpwcms related project.

The solution is to set ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 1000000); in to raise the limit.
read the Bugreport: for details.

My Webhost updated it's phpversion on my server and that was the reason, why my website stopped working.

Cheers marcus

Re: Template Problems with new PHP Version on

Posted: Sun 3. Jul 2011, 12:20
by juergen
PHP Setting in ?

Would have tried to do so in .htaccess oder php.ini :?: :?

Which Version of PHP ?

Re: Template Problems with new PHP Version on

Posted: Sun 3. Jul 2011, 13:06
by marcus@localhorst
don't want to mess around with different restrictions where to set php ini values.
And the host updated to php 5.3.
any more detailed info if you google for this value :-)