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New structure level problem

Posted: Wed 26. May 2004, 15:07
by pa
I have just installed the system on

When I try to create a new structure level, I get this message:

Not Found
The requested URL /include/inc_act/&cat=16 was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.31 Server at Port 80

The address at this point looks like this:

If I go back to the "site structure" the structure I "created" isn't there. Can anyone tell me what the problem is and how I can fix it.


Posted: Wed 26. May 2004, 15:33
by frold
And you did follow the chmod rules?

Code: Select all

1) DIR   phpwcms_tmp/thumb_list                    777
2) DIR   phpwcms_tmp/thumb_preview                 777
3) DIR   phpwcms_ftp                               777
4) DIR   phpwcms_filestorage/1...10                777
5) DIR   content/images                            777

6) FILE  setup/                  666
7) FILE  phpwcms_template/inc_css/frontend.css     666
8) FILE  phpwcms_template/inc_default/startup.html 666

Posted: Wed 26. May 2004, 15:42
by Pappnase

or also some upload problems

is this an fresh install or an update!?

does all other work fine!?

Posted: Fri 18. Jun 2004, 08:06
by davide
I've exactly the same problem:

I'm sure that chmod rights are OK.
There are pheraphs other folders that requires write rights?
Thanks in advance.


Posted: Fri 18. Jun 2004, 08:08
by Pappnase
hello davide

i have tad this problem also one day but after empty the cache and reeboot the machine it was gone! wonder why!

Posted: Fri 18. Jun 2004, 08:13
by davide
Pappnase wrote:hello davide

i have tad this problem also one day but after empty the cache and reeboot the machine it was gone! wonder why!
Thank you very much, Pappnase!
Effectively after a cleaning of the IE cache all works fine.

Posted: Fri 18. Jun 2004, 09:25
by DeXXus
Pappnase wrote:hello davide

i have had this problem also one day but after empty the cache and reeboot the machine it was gone! wonder why!
A little rhyme
(may only rhyme when spoken in English) :wink: :
Good old Pappnase...
the knowledge base !!

Posted: Fri 18. Jun 2004, 09:46
by Pappnase
DeXXus wrote:
Good old Pappnase...
the knowledge base !!
hello dexxus


but i think i need an patch for better english! :wink:

Posted: Fri 18. Jun 2004, 09:48
by DeXXus
Pappnase wrote:but i think i need an patch for better english! :wink:
Nah!! Then it would be "boring" reading for me :P