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Glossary: guide to its use?

Posted: Thu 10. Mar 2011, 12:41
by sustia

I'm trying to setup the glossary CP, but some things is missing.

- glossary title: this is the title of my glossary voice, it's clear;
- glossary keyword: ???
- glossary tag: ???

- highlight: catch glossary keyword in frontend. If I understand this voice, this should activate a link in a word that is contained in a page, in order to see its definition,

For example, if I have a text "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. phpwcms Cras justo." and I have the phpwcms word in my glossary, the phpwcms will be a link pointing to the phpwcms definition, i correct?

Thanks for any help.

Re: Glossary: guide to its use?

Posted: Sun 29. Jul 2012, 02:17
by jsw_nz
Hi Sustia
I want to bump this - because I too - do not completely understand.

Real use for me would be based on highlighting words in articles - and rollover reveals glossary summary in popup div
( BTW - I looked at Knut''s extension - but that uses mootools - i think)

I am using jquery - anyway to do this?

the idea of:
catch glossary keyword in frontend has me interested
- not sure how it works however.


Re: Glossary: guide to its use?

Posted: Sun 29. Jul 2012, 10:17
by update
You have your glossary entry text (example: phpwcms).
Now you go scanning your article text(s) for "phpwcms" and everywhere it's appropriate you will do like so:
[glossary phpwcms]my phpwcms[/glossary]

That should do the trick for the moment ;)

Re: Glossary: guide to its use?

Posted: Mon 30. Jul 2012, 11:57
by flip-flop
There is a small "Glossar TAG enhanced" without mootools.
