Multiple Languages

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Multiple Languages

Post by pixeldude »

:roll: Sorry to nag again, but:

Can anyone briefly describe how to setup/prepare a multilanguage website with phpwcms.

Are there different approaches, where can I see an online example etc. ?Thank you!
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Post by frold »

easiest whay to do is making

a menu like this:

->Level 1
->Level 2
->Level 1
->Level 2
->Level 1
->Level 2

and then create a template for every language.

and then use the replacement tags like this in the template...:
{NAV_LIST_CURRENT} - fixed replacement tag
The {NAV_LIST_CURRENT} replacement tag uses predefined settings. To change the layout you have to adjust the CSS information of page's template on which the navigation list should be presented. The predefined class is "list_level". To use your own class name you have to use the customizable replacement tag

This is the customizable version of the current level replacement tag: show-index can be set to 0 or 1. If it is set to 0 the index-name will not returned. You can name the index-name as you like. This links back to the parent level. You can use your own class name with this replacement tag. Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
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Post by sustia »

frold wrote:easiest whay to do is making

a menu like this:

->Level 1
->Level 2
->Level 1
->Level 2
->Level 1
->Level 2

and then create a template for every language.
Well frold, this is a pretty idea, but there's a method to have a "switch language" like in TYPO3?

Something like this:

->Level 1
->Level 2

So if I click on German I see:

->Level 1
->Level 2
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Post by Pappnase »


i don't know how it works in t3 but. if you wanna have at the end of the german navigation also english. i would say create an structurelevel english with an redirection to the english website part.
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Post by DIrk »

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Post by Pappnase »

i had also created a 2 lang website! :wink:

you only need to create 2 templates! one for englisch one for e.g. german.

in the german template you call in the left table eg. {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:1} 1 = the strukture level where german starts!
everything below german would be shown as own menue.
in the english tempalte you use the same tag eg. with {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:10} and everything would be shown whats below english.

home (ID:0)
German (ID:1)
Englisch (ID:10)

you get your ID's when you go to the backend in the admin menue -> sitestructure and move the mouse over the sheet before the structure name!
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Post by pSouper »

is looks as though is not a phpwcms multilingual site. only the x-cart is multilingual and that I would imagine is out of the box.
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Post by DeXXus »

This is a sample that Oliver did:

Other samples:
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Post by SNap »

and another example at:

backend-admin: demomaster/adminmaster

feel free to take a look, and create new stuff, but please delete just your own stuff.

i will leave this site always open to public for testing purposes, i will initiate a always actual cvs-tarball version next few days...

If someone destroys something, just trigger me on icq and i'll restore the backup :D
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Post by pSouper »

I like this thread a lot :)
SNap even has a site that i can understand..well, the english part anyway :)

I think I'd use images for the languages instead of a menu item because if is not in a language you understand you may need a visual clue ;)
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Post by SNap »

feel free to implenent it on my testsite :D
'welcome to the real world!' datensysteme-lenk

Post by Pappnase »

pSouper wrote:I like this thread a lot :)
SNap even has a site that i can understand..well, the english part anyway :)

I think I'd use images for the languages instead of a menu item because if is not in a language you understand you may need a visual clue ;)
i hope you like the multilang menue what i create major dad!*ggg
Alexander Schlegel
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Post by Alexander Schlegel »

Sorry, but this describes not a multilanguage website for me. You are only preparing different structure level with their own templates. This is only a handmade work. If you really want to create a multilanguage website which works automatically you need the opportunity to install a separate language within the cms. For example: in Contenido you have a separate menue in the backend where you can set up further languages. With the consequence that every new side will be automatically duplicated in the other languages you have initialized. In Typo3 you can even fill in the texts in different columns on the same side at once. That`s a dynamic process, which is not implemented in phpWCMS until now.
Maybe in the future? ;)

Post by Pappnase »

hello alex

thanks for this infos!*smile*
for me stays it as some kind of multi lang! :wink: and i think the future will bring a lot with wcms.
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Post by werwi007 »

Pappnase wrote:i had also created a 2 lang website! :wink:

you only need to create 2 templates! one for englisch one for e.g. german.

in the german template you call in the left table eg. {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:1} 1 = the strukture level where german starts!
everything below german would be shown as own menue.
in the english tempalte you use the same tag eg. with {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:10} and everything would be shown whats below english.

home (ID:0)
German (ID:1)
Englisch (ID:10)

you get your ID's when you go to the backend in the admin menue -> sitestructure and move the mouse over the sheet before the structure name!
Is there more information available than this? It seems to be that this fits my requirements for a two language webpage.

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