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Post to facebook status/wall & twitter & LinkedIn etc?

Posted: Wed 12. May 2010, 12:11
by pSouper
Hi all,
Has anyone written a mod that posts articles to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn etc?
I have a basic RSS posting script that will 'post on save' to and RSS feed and feel confident to extend it Twitter & Facebook but would first check the water to see if anyone is working on it already?

Re: Post to facebook status/wall & twitter & LinkedIn etc?

Posted: Wed 12. May 2010, 17:43
by juergen

a very simple JS which can be adapted even in article templates, if I know right, the reference to the project itself will pop up if you stay a little while there with your mouse. From there I took the JS

Re: Post to facebook status/wall & twitter & LinkedIn etc?

Posted: Wed 12. May 2010, 20:52
by pSouper
Thanks DF6IH,
I think I did not make myself too clear (now that I read my post back). It's not a bookmarking script I was looking for but a mod/hack that posted an article (or the first 100 chars + short URL) to facebook, linkedin and twitter when you save your article in the backend.
imagine if you were adding an article or blog to your phpwcms site and it automatically posted it to you social accounts too? cool right? that's what I'm after.

Re: Post to facebook status/wall & twitter & LinkedIn etc?

Posted: Wed 12. May 2010, 21:10
by juergen
including Linkshortener ... ;) Yes, a little more system. So no conclusion for this ;)


Re: Post to facebook status/wall & twitter & LinkedIn etc?

Posted: Wed 12. May 2010, 21:26
by pSouper
I shall look in to it at the weekend.

As I never have time to write nice mod interfaces I will make it with a config file where the account details are held, then find some way of triggering the syndication without hacking the core - this may only be possible with a cron job unless thee is already a mechanism in place like the frontend_init/render for the backend too.

The link shortener would use a api or similar.

The mod would store the article ID syndication date while the config file would set the age after which the article should be re-syndicated if modified. This would mean, if you edited an article three times in a day it is only syndicated once - if after two weeks you edit it again, it gets re-syndicated.

I'm thinking that the tweet version would be posted to the facebook status whilst the full article are posted to the wall.

I would be nice to have this integrated in to the article summary block but that is not for me to decide.

Re: Post to facebook status/wall & twitter & LinkedIn etc?

Posted: Thu 13. May 2010, 12:38
by juergen
Hey, great !

These APIs are in fact Bibles. I took a view in the facebook and twitter API. Lets see what comes up !