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Search content part - shearch start

Posted: Mon 15. Mar 2010, 21:42
by tr.aymen1

I'm using phpwcmsr312.
I have 2 version on may web site:

I want each version to its own search engine. I tried the "Start Search" in which I selected the level "EN" in the content part of the "EN" version and the level "EN" in content from the "EN" version. But it does not work, still the search engines of the English version gives me the results of all site (FR and EN) and vice versa.

Is there a solution or config to do?

Thank's for your help


Re: Search content part - shearch start

Posted: Tue 16. Mar 2010, 05:07
by juergen
This solution works, for shure !

All you need are two different search Contenparts, each one declared its own area. Thats all ! The "trick" is done with different targets of the search form in each language.

Re: Search content part - shearch start

Posted: Wed 17. Mar 2010, 22:58
by tr.aymen1
Thank you for your reply

But there is two different search Contenparts, and there is two different pages targets of the search form in each language.
but it does not work.

Thank's for your help
