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Replacement tag {PHP:page.php} does not work

Posted: Tue 22. Dec 2009, 22:26
by tr.aymen1
To include an external php script, I used the replacement tag {PHP:php/page.php} in a WYSIWYG content part. But it does not work.
The result in fronted is:

I try also with [PHP]include("php/page.php");[/PHP]
The result in fronted is:

I used phpwcms 1.3.9 (r179)

Thank's for your help,

Re: Replacement tag {PHP:page.php} does not work

Posted: Tue 22. Dec 2009, 23:47
by flip-flop
Pleases set up in

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["allow_cntPHP_rt"] = 1;

Re: Replacement tag {PHP:page.php} does not work

Posted: Thu 24. Dec 2009, 00:50
by tr.aymen1
Thank you very much

Re: Replacement tag {PHP:page.php} does not work

Posted: Sat 20. Feb 2010, 05:37
by my_rockfish
Mr. Flip Flop,

i'm using phpwcms 1.4.5 (2010/02/12, r400), but RT function {PHP:bca.php} doen't work anymore

i have edit / change setting at like this : $phpwcms["allow_cntPHP_rt"] = 1;

but at front end of the website does not appear as it should. any suggestions ??? :|

Re: Replacement tag {PHP:page.php} does not work

Posted: Sat 20. Feb 2010, 06:32
by juergen
my_rockfish wrote: doen't work anymore
It did before ?
my_rockfish wrote: does not appear as it should.
Give us example ?!

Re: Replacement tag {PHP:page.php} does not work

Posted: Sun 21. Feb 2010, 02:16
by my_rockfish
thx for your reply DF6IH

sorry about my bad english,

here my screenshoot :

When i used phpwcms 1.4.2. r345, RT {PHP:kursbca.php} the scripts is ok


but, when i'm using to phpwcms 1.4.5. r400, RT {PHP:kursbca.php} the external php scripts is not run


i have changed in to : $phpwcms["allow_cntPHP_rt"] = 1;

can you help me please, DF6IH ?

Re: Replacement tag {PHP:page.php} does not work

Posted: Sun 21. Feb 2010, 11:31
by Cipolla
Well, i donĀ“t have any clue why it stoped working, but have you tried the content part "External Content" ?

Re: Replacement tag {PHP:page.php} does not work

Posted: Sun 21. Feb 2010, 12:03
by juergen

anything seems to be completely corrupted !