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backend funktions

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 16:38
by SNap

i would find it handy to have import/export functions in backend for templates and layouts.

and maybe articles, too


Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 17:37
by pSouper
Iimport/export to what format and for what purpose?

so that you can save backups of individual articles/template?
so that you could export yout site to a flat html file/site?
to many options to carry on listing :D

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 18:07
by SNap
no i just mean to transfer to another wcms-instance/installation...

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 18:22
by pSouper
if you want ot clone a site you can use a backup/restore of the origonal site. then delete or chage the articles&structures as needed.

I would imagine a copy/paste function is in progress buck do not know of a simmily function for import/export.

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 19:14
by Jérôme
I think I know what snap wants to do...

Some kind of "Export styles & templates" button which only exports the information of the admin area into a file that you can save on your computer and reimport in another phpwcms instance. No structure, no articles, nothing - only templates and styles?

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 19:39
by SNap
almost right...

ok, i'll explain more detailed:

1. i normally design a site locally at my servers at home.... page-layout template, and basic-articles (home, impressum, contact and so on....

2. i then transfer it to the webspace of my customer.

3. then when the customer wants to change e.g. the design i do it locally first again.

4. then i bring it back online...

So it would be nice to have functions to export a style and/or a single template (partial db-backup) and bring it online (partial db-restore)

And maybe it would be usefull to have the abillity to do the same on article and category-base.

All clear, now?


Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 20:41
by pSouper
surely this can all be done with an ftp app for the files and phpmyadmin for the database ?
have you tried it this way- it is very simple once to know how?

alternatively for the database stuff..
you could ftp your /mysql/data/mydatabase files up instead of using phpmyadmin.

Posted: Tue 11. May 2004, 21:55
by SNap
but how could i select a single page-layout with phpmyadmin, for example?