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links in Flash

Posted: Tue 18. Aug 2009, 12:30
by kimchiking
I made a website in PHP WCMS combined with Flash. Now there is something very strange going on. In the main page I start with an intro with a menu. If you click the buttons in this menu the links properly works and refer to the right page :

Later I made the same Flashmovie but without animation. This to avoid irritation of visitors to see the animation over and over. The strange thing right now is that the links in the menu dont work anymore?? :

Does anybody nows how this is possible? The settings for both movies are completely the same and I tried almost every option in the publish settings for the Flash movie... Hope anybody has an explanation.

Re: links in Flash

Posted: Tue 18. Aug 2009, 18:21
by kimchiking
I already have noticed the issue... the link to the external swf was with www and on a strange way he did show the swf but the script for the links didnt. Removed the www and it works! :)