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The Dogwood Papers

Posted: Mon 10. May 2004, 19:10
by GreenNuggs
So, I'm finally pretty close to being done.

There's still alot of work to be done. But once I fill in the content, I think I'm just going to roll with it and patch it when its live.

Any thoughts/comments?

Posted: Mon 10. May 2004, 19:40
by SNap
nice, only one thing about the colors i would suggest:

the thin lines, and the bold lines should have the same color .. i see pink and black, i would take the dark red from background.

and in Menu the actual selection in white is not sooo good because page (block) back is white also, try a light red i guess....

Nice work!


Posted: Tue 25. May 2004, 02:03
by GreenNuggs
Its not part of PHPWCMS. Its a script called Tigra Menu. Its on under the javascript->navigation section.

PHPWCMS can make a horizontal menu navigation. I'm not sure how, but its there somewhere. It just wasn't robust enough for me though. I don't think there was the ability to have mulitple drop downs. This Tigra menu allows you to define the structure is a separate file and makes it pretty easy.

Oh, btw, you have to simply put the .js (javascript files in the inc_js directory of the phpwcms_template directory and include them in your header of each page. Good luck!

And thanks for the compliments. :D

Posted: Tue 25. May 2004, 09:16
by rk
GreenNuggs wrote:Oh, btw, you have to simply put the .js (javascript files in the inc_js directory of the phpwcms_template directory and include them in your header of each page.
Try your page without javascript :O.

Try to insert a <noscript>... </noscript> as minimum, because the page isn't usable without javascript. Or look for a CSS-based menĂ¼.

Posted: Thu 27. May 2004, 23:38
by Moozie
Nice work!

Do I understand correctly that you hard-coded the links to the phpwcms pages by hand.

So in the topmenu I see a buton:
--> Outside Source --> the wire --> daily review

It links to

That link is hardcoded by you in the top navigation Tigra Menu script you got from hotscripts.