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an artists WebSite

Posted: Sat 8. May 2004, 17:54
by SNap

what do you think?

my first try on wcms ;) so don't be too hard :D

but the big size of left and top graphical elements should be smaller, i know, but the artist wanted it that way.... also the big fonts.....


Re: an artists WebSite

Posted: Mon 10. May 2004, 19:06
by GreenNuggs
SNap wrote:hi,

what do you think?

my first try on wcms ;) so don't be too hard :D

but the big size of left and top graphical elements should be smaller, i know, but the artist wanted it that way.... also the big fonts.....

Yeah it might look really good in large resolutions. I'm using 1024x768 and it the logo takes up way too much of the available space.

But that is pretty wild. I've never seen anything like that before with the nav and heading being so un-uniform. Keep it up!

Posted: Mon 10. May 2004, 19:42
by SNap
thx :) as i said, he wanted it so big....

BTW@mods: could you move it from under construction to sites proude of, please? its finished (not the content, yet, but thats not my part anymore ;) )



Posted: Mon 10. May 2004, 19:59
by frold
I would add a script that preload the mouse_over images...

Posted: Mon 10. May 2004, 20:04
by SNap
i frold, it is there! ;)