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FLV in PHPWcms 1.1.4

Posted: Sun 26. Apr 2009, 02:47
by tr.aymen1

How can I integrate a FLV in phpWCMS 1.1.4,
I need help, thank you

Re: FLV in PHPWcms 1.1.4

Posted: Sun 26. Apr 2009, 07:21
by juergen

do it same way as you would do it in html Site ....

Any reason for your love to 5 year old versions ? :)

Re: FLV in PHPWcms 1.1.4

Posted: Sat 30. May 2009, 22:26
by tr.aymen1
it is the most stable version,
thank you for recommend me the most stable version available?

Re: FLV in PHPWcms 1.1.4

Posted: Sat 30. May 2009, 22:41
by update
here it is: the most recent and most stable version:
It's calling itself "dev", but it is a finest piece of version you can get!

Re: FLV in PHPWcms 1.1.4

Posted: Mon 1. Jun 2009, 00:34
by tr.aymen1
Thank you claus,
I took "phpwcmsr312" I will use it in my next projects

Re: FLV in PHPWcms 1.1.4

Posted: Mon 1. Jun 2009, 02:34
by Jensensen
claus wrote:here it is: the most recent and most stable version:
It's calling itself "dev"...
all versions have been called at all times being the most stable ever. In fact the latest is as stable as the versions before but has some enhancements. that's also clear.

We're working with "dev" versions for months/years. Sometimes version r_dev_XYZ was a full release. This information you get to know only by reading the source list carefully and regularly.

Back to the question:
1) using CP = contentpart "flash media player" offers an easy way to add your flv-movies.
2) there's also a module: ... dia+player