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strange signs in conjunction with i18n and BE ajax

Posted: Wed 18. Mar 2009, 19:46
by update
Out of a sudden the i18n isn't working anymore. until the day before yesterday everything has been fine and working as expected. Now I get things like
$i18n_tokens['Land / Sprache wählen'] = 'Land / Sprache wählen'; // NEW 2009-03-18 18:09:43 (as per now)
written into the language files.... this is somewhat strange - additionally I find these in News Module and Calendar and so on (where this ajax? feature word suggestion is doing it's job.....
The DB itself is clean.
This must happen directly when the language replacement feature is called and writing into the file.... but was working really fine before:
$i18n_tokens['Land / Sprache wählen'] = 'choose country / language'; // NEW 2009-02-16 15:20:14 (two days before)

Anybody any idea?

Re: strange signs in conjunction with i18n and BE ajax

Posted: Thu 19. Mar 2009, 11:52
by update
OK- "monologueing" again
Today I deleted every file /of template_lang and now it seems to write a clean file again...
So another question is occurring: when I edit these files to do a little translating - how would I save these files and store them back on the server? utf w/o bom, with bom, ansi or doesn't it matter at all?
I will keep an eye on this because now that we have it I'll like to use this feature, of course ;)

But still the other issue is alive:
For an examplesee my "private" attachment folder: