FTP Takeover not working

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FTP Takeover not working

Post by mikepkp17 »

Hi all,

I use the latest release r307 and it seems that FTP Takeover in File Central is not working. I get the following error messages:
selected files uploaded via ftp will be taken over!

Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Read error! in /cms/include/inc_lib/backend.functions.inc.php on line 103

Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Read error! in /cms/include/inc_act/act_ftptakeover.php on line 285
konzert2007 (Error while writing file to storage (1).)

error while file take over

click here to go back
Single file upload is working an also thumbnails are shown.

Any pointers are appreciated...

regards, Mike
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markus s
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Re: FTP Takeover not working

Post by markus s »

take al ook to the config file
$phpwcms['file_maxsize'] = 2097152; (maybe to small).
look at the name of jpg, or png - what kind of picture you use...
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Re: FTP Takeover not working

Post by xinoy »

did you chmod all necessary files?
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Joined: Mon 13. Feb 2006, 14:14

Re: FTP Takeover not working

Post by mikepkp17 »

Thank you for your hints, the second problem was, that I didn't chmod all files.

I haven't investigated the initial problem but I moved the whole phpwcms installation to another server
(which was already running phpwcms) and after that the ftp takeover was working without any problem (after chmod of course ;-))

regards, Mike
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