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File Center not working

Posted: Mon 9. Mar 2009, 07:14
by mikepkp17

I've installed the latest version 1.4.1 r307 and the galleryx mod (which can be found here in the forum). Now I want to add a folder in file central which just gives me an error message: "error while writing new dir info"

The database is a MySQL 5.0.32

I would apprechiate any pointers to track down this problem because I need a gallery.

If more information is needed please ask.

Kind regards

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 9. Mar 2009, 08:10
by juergen
Hmm, the script has nothing to do with the filecenter.... is the disk quota / space quota of your account reached ? Is the last image you did upload shown as Thumb ?

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 9. Mar 2009, 11:37
by mikepkp17
Hi, thank you for your answer.

There is no quota in place so no problems there. I have not tried uploading a picture without creating a folder, I will try that later today.

regards, Mike

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 9. Mar 2009, 12:00
by flip-flop
Mhh, that is an error comming from mySQL. (file: \include\inc_tmpl\files.private.newdir.tmpl.php lie 69).

The mysql right management is ok?


Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 9. Mar 2009, 12:04
by mikepkp17
hm, can you pinpoint that to a special right on a special table? If so I can ask my DB-Admin to change the rights accordingly.
The installation of phpwcms did run without errors...

regards, Mike

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 9. Mar 2009, 13:10
by flip-flop
Then the mySQL user rights are ok.

I think it is a bad file or a table is lost.
Load up the folder



Have a look into the db via phpmyAdmin for the table "phpwcms_file".

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 9. Mar 2009, 13:18
by mikepkp17

the table phpwcms_file exists, I have an overall of 45 tables.
I will try to upload the folders you mentioned and give it another try.

regards, Mike

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 9. Mar 2009, 21:03
by mikepkp17

for your information: I solved the problem, it was a missing column in table phpwcms_file, namely f_sort. This column is added with the upgrade_script from v1.4 to 1.5 and it seems that the problem was, that i am using a table name prefix. So the upgrade script obviously ran with errors (which I missed, shame on me ;-) ).

Nevertheless, thank you for your help.

Kind Regards

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Sun 3. May 2009, 16:52
by baklavoni
Hello to all.
I will continue to write in this topic since i have the same problem.
While trying to create folder in file center, i got error: error while writing new dir info

Also if I try to upload picture, i have error: error while insert file information
and same error is when trying to upload via ftp takeover.

My version of phpwcms is 1.4.1 r307

Here is details of my hosting:
WWW server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
PHP version: 5.2.2
MySQL version: 5.0.22
PHP settings
register_globals On (should always be set Off)
safe_mode Off (check information about security risks)
GD2 bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
Image types supported: GIF/ PNG/ JPG

Please help. Thank you.

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Sun 3. May 2009, 23:07
by Jensensen
i guess that this maybe is a problem concerning the "cryptic" filenames when your character set is any other than utf-8.

i'm using 1.4.2 (r312) with utf and i have no problem adding subfolders like
"Hüß///--llÖÖ ääük&%&GGGf 88"

[surprisingly it can contain spaces and even ampersands !!!]

to root or elsewhere.

otherwise it will be a problem during update¿

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 4. May 2009, 06:05
by juergen

I guess the problem is born here :
WWW server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Tue 5. May 2009, 17:08
by baklavoni
Jensensen wrote:i guess that this maybe is a problem concerning the "cryptic" filenames when your character set is any other than utf-8.
Hmm, it is already set to utf-8, so problem is elsewhere...
DF6IH wrote:;)

I guess the problem is born here :
WWW server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
I think also. This is my first Windows based hosting, and until now, I had a lot of problems with installing and configuring phpwcms.
On linux servers, I never had any problem (and also i prefer Linux :) ).

But still no solution?

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Wed 6. May 2009, 10:41
by baklavoni
I have found this in phpmyadmin:

Your PHP MySQL library version 5.0.22 differs from your MySQL server version 5.1.34. This may cause unpredictable behavior.

Maybe this is the reason for problem(s)?

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 18. May 2009, 13:05
by baklavoni
[SOLVED] Hosting switched to Linux server :)

Re: File Center not working

Posted: Mon 18. May 2009, 17:12
by juergen
:lol: My regards and congratulations ! Half costs !