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Construction Managers Association

Posted: Mon 2. Feb 2009, 20:20
by breitsch
Just finished an update to 1.4.0 for a website of an association of professionals.
German only, French planned

- Banner Ads
- ExData
- Calendar Mod v2.01 ionrock - v3 by volkman -> modified to fit my needs
- Frontend Login workaround {FELOGIN}

Some cool features:
- Calendar Module enhanced with 'save event to outlook' feature
- same for ExData and 'save contact to outlook'

Re: Construction Managers Association

Posted: Mon 2. Feb 2009, 20:44
by markus s
sehr interessante seite...
ganz besonders interessant wären die modifikationen des kalenders... hehe

Re: Construction Managers Association

Posted: Tue 3. Feb 2009, 06:46
by juergen

perhaps all these changes in ionrocks cal will join into one complete mod... even if I do not like outlook, I would like the idea

Re: Construction Managers Association

Posted: Tue 3. Feb 2009, 09:38
by breitsch
should work with other applications as well, not just outlook

Calendar is iCalendar Standard (ics)
Contact is vCard Standard (vcf)

So most applications should be able to read these files.