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Resetting/Info on the FORMS Database

Posted: Wed 10. Dec 2008, 15:40
by KwikEMart
I have generated a form and am gathering data. Everything seems to work great, but I would like to know where the data file is actually located in the phpwcms install. I would also like to be able to reset that database so I am not downloading the same info each time I hit the download button. Is there any way to edit the database on the server or clear its contents?

Here's the form:

Thanks for your help!

-david sadd
webmaster/worship leader/tech guy/graphic designer

Re: Resetting/Info on the FORMS Database

Posted: Wed 4. Feb 2009, 17:29
by KwikEMart
Anyone? Is there a way to reset the forms described above?

Re: Resetting/Info on the FORMS Database

Posted: Wed 4. Feb 2009, 19:18
by sustia
Should be the "phpwcms_formresult" table.

Anyway, make a copy of the db before.