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Posted: Mon 20. Oct 2008, 14:43
by bernie76

Just finished this website for a painter.

Tell me what you think


Re: Galeriebogema

Posted: Tue 21. Oct 2008, 17:10
by santscho
Hi Bernie

I like your site. It is calm and cool. The images are getting the necessary attention.

But I have also some minor issues. It is not a must to follow my suggestions. Maybe helpful...

- Some pages have a title, some not.

Title: "Gallerie Bogema"
- Better image than font. On my mac, Bogema comes close to the right border.
- When you switch between "Home" and "Over de schilder", the left border of the main content is dancing. Choose a position in between and adjust "Gallerie Bogema" left.

Over de schilder
- More margin for the right border. Text reaches the right white line.

- More gap between the images
- More gap between caption and images
- Maybe image flow instead your solution. Scrollbar gone.

- More gap between "Tel.: 0599-519519" and "Komende exposities:"

- Replace captcha image (it looks almost like an artwork of Bogema)
- Maybe try to style the entry fields with CSS or tables. They are "dancing"

Left vertical menu
- More gap between font and white horizontal lines.