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Google Analytics and phpwcms - page titles

Posted: Mon 6. Oct 2008, 11:17
by oeconom
Hi folks,

using Google Analytics, there's a real annoying effect.
You don't see the accessed pages titles, but a, more or less, strage path name.
Is there a way to see some more self-explaining titles shown there?

Thanks for your experiences!


Re: Google Analytics and phpwcms - page titles

Posted: Fri 17. Oct 2008, 14:32
by oeconom
So there's no solution out there??

Re: Google Analytics and phpwcms - page titles

Posted: Mon 20. Oct 2008, 23:29
by axelko

I use google analytics and have a structure with aliasses. Every category has only 1 article in it. In analytics it then shows fine.

Code: Select all

choice1 (alias choice1)
   choice1 (article)
choice2 (alias choice2)
   choice2 (article)
In analytics it shows like /dir/index.php?choice1 and if you use good category aliasses then it's easy to see which page was accesed.



Re: Google Analytics and phpwcms - page titles

Posted: Tue 21. Oct 2008, 13:55
by oeconom
Hey Alex,
thanks for your suggestion.
It's kind of a loution and my work, but doesn't really solve the problem.
I hoped Oli G. would have a good way as he incorporates GAnalytics as a base-supported Analysis Tool.

Best wishes,