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manipulate download counter

Posted: Thu 18. Sep 2008, 23:29
by egerlach
how can I manipulate download counter? content part "filelist" (Dateiliste), version 1.3.3?
The values are in mySQL-tables? Or files?

I develop my phpwcms website here on my linux box locally. I alway sync files with sitecopy to internet and mySQL database is exported to file and imported to internet. So all counters are set back to values here on my linux box! I loose download counts! I want to insert the download counts to my local machine before sync/export to internet. So I preserve counter values.


Re: manipulate download counter

Posted: Fri 19. Sep 2008, 06:49
by flopi
try to have a look in the table phpwcms_file. there are to fields, f_dlstart and f_dlfinal.
maybe this is what u are looking for.


[resolved] Re: manipulate download counter

Posted: Tue 23. Sep 2008, 00:23
by egerlach
Thank you.
indeed, download counter are included in table phpwcms_file.