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[SOLVED] Searching for NEWS: resulting links are not correct

Posted: Wed 20. Aug 2008, 18:23
by kipara

I've spent over a week getting to know the new News CP. It ROCKS!

I read in various posts that pagination is not finished yet and this feature is still being worked on. My question is: has the search feature for news been properly implemented?

When you add the search CP you know have a sub section that asks ' search also: News'. It works fine, except that the links in the results are not correct.

Links to news items have this format:

The search results are in this format:
index.php?page-in-the-site&newsdetail=2008%2F09%2F28%2FAlias-of-news-item (or rather: 2008/09/28/Alias-of-news-item)

So clicking on the results doesn't take you to the news item. This in both versions r182 and r213.

Has anyone else seen this?



Re: Searching for NEWS: resulting links are not correct

Posted: Wed 20. Aug 2008, 18:34
by Oliver Georgi
Check r255

Seems search used old news link format.


Re: Searching for NEWS: resulting links are not correct

Posted: Wed 20. Aug 2008, 19:02
by kipara
You fixed that in 10 minutes??? AWESOME!!

I got the new file and it's better:


but the ID of the file is missing. It should go between the date and the alias:


As it is now it still doesn't work. Thanks for the speedy fix!


Re: Searching for NEWS: resulting links are not correct

Posted: Wed 20. Aug 2008, 19:22
by Oliver Georgi
OK, check r256 - the ID was missing. Seems to work now.


Re: [SOLVED] Searching for NEWS: resulting links are not correct

Posted: Wed 20. Aug 2008, 19:40
by kipara

Many thanks,


Re: [SOLVED] Searching for NEWS: resulting links are not correct

Posted: Wed 20. Aug 2008, 20:21
by Oliver Georgi
and next time :) see Google code and issues. Better to place such problems there ;-)

Re: [SOLVED] Searching for NEWS: resulting links are not correct

Posted: Fri 3. Oct 2008, 01:07
by mshaker
I posted this same problem in a different thread, but this also seems like a good place. I installed r257, but the "page-in-site" part of the link is missing. Any suggestions?
