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Multilanguage switch and URL

Posted: Wed 28. May 2008, 16:29
by sustia
Hi, maybe it's just a problem of mine.

Following the instructions of DF6IH ( - and the latest version of SVN - the multilanguage switch works, but every time that I change the language the URL is changed.

For example, if I open the home page I see this URL

Code: Select all
then I choose the spanish version

Code: Select all
If I choose the italian version the URL will be this:

Code: Select all
instead of

Code: Select all
Someone kwow because this happens?

Re: Multilanguage switch and URL

Posted: Mon 21. Jul 2008, 21:03
by Peekay
I have just set up a test for the multilanguage feature in 1.3.5 and I agree it works very well. :D However, like Sustia, I also noticed that the 'lang' value changes are appended to the page address continuously. It doesn't seem to affect operation, but I guess it might cause problems if someone bookmarks the page and they have changed language more than once?

On the topic of the page address, how does a multilanguage site perform in respect to SEO?

Also, can something be set so that (for example) a visitor from Germany would see the German version of a page first?

Re: Multilanguage switch and URL

Posted: Mon 21. Jul 2008, 21:14
by Peekay
Peekay wrote:I guess it might cause problems if someone bookmarks the page and they have changed language more than once?
On further testing, this only appears to happen if you change language on the same page several times. I just tried creating a bookmark after doing that and the page is still found even with several 'lang' additions. The last one in the string is respected.