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Image with text alignmnt works not right in 133

Posted: Mon 5. May 2008, 01:13
by PHPmaster
Hi, I have problems wrapping text in version 1.3.3 In previous versions you could align an image in the text (right or left) Now the same buttons are there but the textwrap doesn't take place so the image doesn't come in the text but next to the text.

Re: Image with text alignmnt works not right in 133

Posted: Mon 5. May 2008, 02:12
by Jensensen
it's very difficult to make a proposal without viewing any page /source code. So, I would say, please have a look to your page code and try to adjust CSS in frontend.css. (check floats)

Re: Image with text alignmnt works not right in 133

Posted: Tue 6. May 2008, 02:08
by Jensensen
or post a sample page here...