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Posted: Fri 4. Apr 2008, 11:39
by 360fusion
I have just created this site for a recruitment company based in the North East of England.

They wanted a clean and stylish site that was easy to use and navigate, the main funtions are to collect data through forms and to display job listings.

I used exdata to create the job directory - a big thanks to Breitsch for creating this great mod.



Posted: Sat 5. Apr 2008, 11:43
by axelko

Nice and clean site. Also the html code looks clean and is validated. Good example how sites should be.




Posted: Sat 5. Apr 2008, 13:40
by update
Very nice indeed!
How did you get the accesskeys and title info into the navi?
BTW: two of the accesskeys are doublettes, e.g. "home" = 1, Employers' section also, 2 = contact and search...


Posted: Sat 5. Apr 2008, 15:50
by 360fusion
Thanks Axel, i always try to make all my sites as accessible as possible and keep the code nice and clean too. It's just good web practice.

Thanks for the heads up on the access keys Claus, you must have a keen eye to have spotted that. nothing gets past you. I'll put these right as soon as possible.

I hard coded the access keys and links into the template rather than use a replacement tag for navigation,

<a href="index.php?contact-us" title="Contact Us (Access Key '5')" accesskey="5">Contact Us</a>

It would be nice if there was a little box in the site structure pages or article pages to add a number or letter for an access key, i think this will help to make phpwcms better for accessibility. Although there is an argument to the usefulness of access keys it's always good to have them should someone need them.



Posted: Sat 5. Apr 2008, 22:16
by update
You're welcome :D
360fusion wrote:It would be nice if there was a little box in the site structure pages or article pages to add a number or letter for an access key, i think this will help to make phpwcms better for accessibility. Although there is an argument to the usefulness of access keys it's always good to have them should someone need them.
This makes perfect sense. See posting related to this topic also: ... access+key
I personally would be glad to see such one - - -> great improvement suggestion :oops:

PS: just had a look again - perfect!