TEXTILE Markup Language for Plaintext Contentpart
Posted: Mon 31. Mar 2008, 15:21
I like to use Textile Markup Language, because it's sometimes faster written than phpwcms internal replacementtags or the mess of using wysiwyg editors.
For example, a nice Blockquote with citation:
or Acronyms will easily written as HTML(HyperTextMarkupLanguage)
oh, and it formats your typo nice
See all features here: http://textile.thresholdstate.com/
So I take the existing textile class and write a little Replacementtag for Contentpart Plaintext only.
Just download the attached zipfile and copy to your phpwcms installation - no files will be overwritten.
Make a new PlainText Contentpart choose the textile.tmpl as Template from dropdown. write in your markup, save and look at the endprodukt.
This is a quickshot and it works on my own site very well. so far I have no tests with other charsets or something else.
Try it and write down your suggestions here.
best wishes
here is the usage notice from the classTextile.php file
For example, a nice Blockquote with citation:
Code: Select all
bq.:http://textism.com/ Text...
Code: Select all
<blockquote cite="http://textism.com">Text...</blockquote>
oh, and it formats your typo nice

Code: Select all
"quotes" → “quotes”
'quotes' → ‘quotes’
it's → it’s
em -- dash → em — dash
en - dash → en – dash
2 x 4 → 2 × 4
foo(tm) → foo™
foo(r) → foo®
foo(c) → foo©
So I take the existing textile class and write a little Replacementtag for Contentpart Plaintext only.
Just download the attached zipfile and copy to your phpwcms installation - no files will be overwritten.
Make a new PlainText Contentpart choose the textile.tmpl as Template from dropdown. write in your markup, save and look at the endprodukt.
This is a quickshot and it works on my own site very well. so far I have no tests with other charsets or something else.
Try it and write down your suggestions here.
best wishes
here is the usage notice from the classTextile.php file
Code: Select all
Block modifier syntax:
Header: h(1-6).
Paragraphs beginning with 'hn. ' (where n is 1-6) are wrapped in header tags.
Example: h1. Header... -> <h1>Header...</h1>
Paragraph: p. (also applied by default)
Example: p. Text -> <p>Text</p>
Blockquote: bq.
Example: bq. Block quotation... -> <blockquote>Block quotation...</blockquote>
Blockquote with citation: bq.:http://citation.url
Example: bq.:http://textism.com/ Text...
-> <blockquote cite="http://textism.com">Text...</blockquote>
Footnote: fn(1-100).
Example: fn1. Footnote... -> <p id="fn1">Footnote...</p>
Numeric list: #, ##
Consecutive paragraphs beginning with # are wrapped in ordered list tags.
Example: <ol><li>ordered list</li></ol>
Bulleted list: *, **
Consecutive paragraphs beginning with * are wrapped in unordered list tags.
Example: <ul><li>unordered list</li></ul>
Phrase modifier syntax:
_emphasis_ -> <em>emphasis</em>
__italic__ -> <i>italic</i>
*strong* -> <strong>strong</strong>
**bold** -> <b>bold</b>
??citation?? -> <cite>citation</cite>
-deleted text- -> <del>deleted</del>
+inserted text+ -> <ins>inserted</ins>
^superscript^ -> <sup>superscript</sup>
~subscript~ -> <sub>subscript</sub>
@code@ -> <code>computer code</code>
%(bob)span% -> <span class="bob">span</span>
==notextile== -> leave text alone (do not format)
"linktext":url -> <a href="url">linktext</a>
"linktext(title)":url -> <a href="url" title="title">linktext</a>
!imageurl! -> <img src="imageurl" />
!imageurl(alt text)! -> <img src="imageurl" alt="alt text" />
!imageurl!:linkurl -> <a href="linkurl"><img src="imageurl" /></a>
ABC(Always Be Closing) -> <acronym title="Always Be Closing">ABC</acronym>
Table syntax:
Simple tables:
|_. A|_. table|_. header|_.row|
Tables with attributes:
table{border:1px solid black}.
{background:#ddd;color:red}. |{}| | | |
Applying Attributes:
Most anywhere Textile code is used, attributes such as arbitrary css style,
css classes, and ids can be applied. The syntax is fairly consistent.
The following characters quickly alter the alignment of block elements:
< -> left align ex. p<. left-aligned para
> -> right align h3>. right-aligned header 3
= -> centred h4=. centred header 4
<> -> justified p<>. justified paragraph
These will change vertical alignment in table cells:
^ -> top ex. |^. top-aligned table cell|
- -> middle |-. middle aligned|
~ -> bottom |~. bottom aligned cell|
Plain (parentheses) inserted between block syntax and the closing dot-space
indicate classes and ids:
p(hector). paragraph -> <p class="hector">paragraph</p>
p(#fluid). paragraph -> <p id="fluid">paragraph</p>
(classes and ids can be combined)
p(hector#fluid). paragraph -> <p class="hector" id="fluid">paragraph</p>
Curly {brackets} insert arbitrary css style
p{line-height:18px}. paragraph -> <p style="line-height:18px">paragraph</p>
h3{color:red}. header 3 -> <h3 style="color:red">header 3</h3>
Square [brackets] insert language attributes
p[no]. paragraph -> <p lang="no">paragraph</p>
%[fr]phrase% -> <span lang="fr">phrase</span>
Usually Textile block element syntax requires a dot and space before the block
begins, but since lists don't, they can be styled just using braces
#{color:blue} one -> <ol style="color:blue">
# big <li>one</li>
# list <li>big</li>
Using the span tag to style a phrase
It goes like this, %{color:red}the fourth the fifth%
-> It goes like this, <span style="color:red">the fourth the fifth</span>