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Publishing website - url redirect

Posted: Sun 23. Mar 2008, 19:17
by Niedzielan
Hi There,

I'm ready to publish my website. Until now the website was hosted in a temp directory (can be found by persons, but who's searching :wink:) called

Now i ready to publish the website in the root directory so that when people go to this url the website is shown. I copied the whole temp dir into the root, so the website is now in

What to do next besides changing path settings enz.??? I can't remove the phpwcms directory, can I? I don't want people to type the phpwcms dir! How did you guys solve this??

Re: Publishing website - url redirect

Posted: Sun 23. Mar 2008, 22:47
by update
why not move it one step further down = (root) obsoleting the phpwcms dir...
and the root will be defined within - have a look into

Re: Publishing website - url redirect

Posted: Mon 24. Mar 2008, 00:44
by Jensensen
am I right?
claus wrote:why not move it one step further down...
guess, claus means not down --> but up to --> your www-root
an then just edit your /config/phpwcms/

Code: Select all

// site values
$phpwcms['site']         = '';

// paths
$phpwcms['DOC_ROOT']     = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];// real DOC_ROOT seems to be: ...
$phpwcms['root']         = ''; //default: ''
when visitors type to the browser they'll see your cms contents...
am I wrong?

Re: Publishing website - url redirect

Posted: Mon 24. Mar 2008, 00:55
by update
up! :oops:
up to the roots :lol:
upside down, topdown up, feet in heaven, head in hell
and vice versa :lol:

Re: Publishing website - url redirect

Posted: Mon 24. Mar 2008, 01:00
by Jensensen
was an exhausting party today fighting against Brazilian hackers...?

may be i understood wrong, but let's wait for Niedzielan's answer...

[edit] :mrgreen: [/edit]

Re: Publishing website - url redirect

Posted: Mon 24. Mar 2008, 12:34
by Niedzielan
OK, I tried to move it one way up (or down :wink: :D ) and it worked immediately!! I changed the config file and then everything worked!
I thought that the phpwcms directory was needed for the complete functionality, so that I couldn't delete it, but it's working!!

Thanks guys!

Re: Publishing website - url redirect

Posted: Mon 24. Mar 2008, 17:36
by update
Great News :D