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1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Tue 11. Mar 2008, 13:34
by daniel.grant
I'm using a clients 1&1 profesisonal hosting package for v1.3.5

When I upload .htaccess file I get Server 500 Error loading any page.

It seems that 1&1 has real issues with .htaccess and url rewriting.

Has anyone had any experience in how to get around this?

Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Tue 11. Mar 2008, 13:50
by marcus@localhorst
hi, i running a site successfully on 1&1 with just this htaccess filecontent:

Code: Select all

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On
	RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.phtml$ index.php?id=$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6
	RewriteRule ^(.+)\.phtml$ index.php?$1	
give it a try.
things like php_flag to set php.ini values will not work there.

Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Tue 11. Mar 2008, 14:57
by daniel.grant
Thanks Marcus,

No php.ini and your .htaccess file but still get the message:

Code: Select all

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. 

Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Tue 11. Mar 2008, 15:14
by juergen
do you use confixx or plesk ?

Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Tue 11. Mar 2008, 15:40
by daniel.grant
not sure. Plesk I guess

Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Tue 11. Mar 2008, 18:00
by juergen
I'm sorry ... can't help ypu with Plesk... not familiar with this and in my mind I think you need telnet to the server to get rewrite running with Plesk... very ugly :cry:

Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Wed 12. Mar 2008, 08:33
by Heiko H.

can you see the webservers error-log?
Or can you get a piece of it from provider?


Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Wed 12. Mar 2008, 16:26
by daniel.grant
No :? . I don't think it's worthwhile, pursuing this one - not my usual web hosting company and not essential to have rewrite.

Thanks for your help anyway.

Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Wed 12. Mar 2008, 20:58
by Jensensen
Hi daniel,
don't give up. This board's community is to serve you. So, what's up - next steps, plans?
What do you think to do now?
Hey, --> think about marcus [ok, he's a web pro handyman but] he got it to run well with this "grmmpff hoster"..., so you should as well....

Do you need any support to argue [your customer] for using no rewritten-url's any more [with this account]?
--> Google and friends catches/fetches/crawls all... so what...

Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Wed 12. Mar 2008, 22:58
by juergen
Its worth some hundred minutes work, I agree with jensensen!

Next thing to check is if you have a,) Possibility to ssh upon the Server or

b.) Find in this Plesk (or Virtuzzo if present) any place to add "Special httpd" Entries ..

Re: 1&1 .htaccess

Posted: Thu 13. Mar 2008, 11:12
by daniel.grant
Jensensen wrote:Hi daniel,
don't give up.
Great advice!!

I have to admit when it comes to hosting I am a total novice but you're right, it is worthwhile, so I tried again this morning and strangely Marcus' script worked for me (almost)

These lines seemed to be the cause of the 500 error.

Code: Select all

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_flag register_globals Off
However after removing them I still was getting a 404 error when loading any rewritten page.

But by uncommenting

Code: Select all

RewriteBase /
the problem was solved.
DF6IH wrote:Its worth some hundred minutes work
Only took 40!

Thank you guys for persuading me to persevere - you know what's good for me!