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Posted: Fri 8. Feb 2008, 12:21
by sustia
Hi, when I insert a new form in a page a new anchor is created

Code: Select all

<a name="jumpForm876" id="jumpForm876">
The problem is that several anchor are created so, in some cases, a simple text is transformed in a link, for example in the footer of my page:

Code: Select all

<div id="piede" class="piede">
<a name="jumpForm876" id="jumpForm876">
  <img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" border="0" height="7" width="960">
Realizzazione: Angelo Signore |
So the simple text above is converted to a link.
How can I eliminate that anchors?


Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Fri 8. Feb 2008, 13:58
by DeXXus

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Fri 8. Feb 2008, 15:30
by sustia
Hi DeXXus, thanks for your answer.
If I understood well you siggests to copy / paste the html code in a html content part.
The problem is that I have different forms in different pages, and doing this I loose the advantage of using the form content part.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Fri 8. Feb 2008, 15:40
by DeXXus
I have NOT tried what was recommended, BUT I presume he meant:

1. Use content part to create form (and the anchors)
2. Examine resulting browser source code and copy (captures everything phpWCMS requires to handle the form properly)
3. Paste into your template (minus the anchors)

Perhaps Jensensen will jump in and clarify. ( Who am I kidding...he reads EVERY post ;) )

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Fri 8. Feb 2008, 16:34
by sustia
Ok DeXXus thanks, I will try this one.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Fri 8. Feb 2008, 23:00
by Jensensen
DeXXus wrote:...Perhaps Jensensen will jump in and clarify. ( Who am I kidding...he reads EVERY post ;) )
He, He, FF is to blame. There are always [so much] red animated icons...hmmm
Really try to do so and basically to keep myself informed. Seems to be the only way for me - [don't know why, but] always expecting the big BANG [customers' request or a struggling, crashed database or...] - to go on.

Yeah, right, DeXXus, you do as well, don't you? :?:
But unlike me :oops: , you send a [qualified] reply only :!: , if you have a clear - the correct - answer [many thanks for this :!: ]!

Let's have a new try then...

In ever noticed such an output of HTML code?
Thus my first question would be to know what you've typed in to get this out as a result? More than ever because THERE IS NO FORM??!!

As DeXXus already mentioned, sometimes it can be a good idea, to take the code outputted by phpwcms [regarding the VARs phpwcms needs to operate well] and place it into a CP e.g. CP HTML [that you can do anyway] [and to call it anywhere {by e.g. SHOW_CONTENT}].

What WAS
sustia wrote:...the simple text [above is] converted to a link...

Input is input, CP is CP and anchor is anchor. But NO INPUT becomes an anchor??? :!: :?: :shock:

What WAS intended?

PS: Working with anchors should be done by hand basically, I guess.
Have a look here:

I wrapped all [to CPs] automatically assigned anchors into a [x] and then adjusted CSS...

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sat 9. Feb 2008, 14:51
by sustia
Hi Jensensen this is what I've done:
1- I have a page;
2- in this page I add a form
3 - after to add a form I find several anchors in the page, added with a form (not by me, by the form CP)
4- In FF one og that anchor convert a line of text in a link, but in IE 7 this doesn't happen.

To understand what I say take a look at this page:

at the bottom where you read "Realizzazione: Angelo Signore" in FF is a link, but I put a simple line of text, without links.

I hope is more clear now.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sat 9. Feb 2008, 15:20
by update
But this does not occur on page - how did you do this one?

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sat 9. Feb 2008, 15:28
by sustia
claus wrote:But this does not occur on page - how did you do this one?
That was done before the upgrade to the latest snapshot version.

Anyway, seems that is solved, because I've commented this:

Code: Select all

//$CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" id="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" />';

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sat 9. Feb 2008, 19:03
by Jensensen
Hi sustia,
sustia the bottom where you read "Realizzazione: Angelo Signore" in FF is a link, but I put a simple line of text, without links...
This is your footer:

Code: Select all

<!-- INIZIO: #piede -->
<div id="piede" class="piede">
<img src="img/leer.gif" border="0" width="960" height="7" alt="" />

Realizzazione: Angelo Signore | <a class="piede" href="">Cerca nel sito</a> | 

<a class="piede" href="">Mappa del sito</a> | 
<a class="piede" href="">Newsletter</a>   | <a class="piede" href="">Contatti</a> | <a class="piede" href="">Licenza d'uso dei contenuti</a></div>
<!-- FINE: #piede -->
Why / How can an anchor placed in the form-div tag [which is closed very well] conflict with your footer???
Something must be wrong or mistyped in your --> footer --> piede !!??
sustia wrote:...I hope is more clear now.
no. (as there is no link, or anchor anymore...)

should be no need to hack the line you did above...

some minor error:

Code: Select all

<!-- INIZIO: #piede -->
<div id="piede" class="piede">
<img src="img/leer.gif" border="0" width="960" height="7" alt="" />
this image is some pixels to large! you forgot to subtract padding (left, right) and border of the columns: CENTER, LEFT, RIGHT.
width="952" [or so] would be ok.

TIPP: you can remove this image tag but add to your CSS-file:
#piede.piede { padding-top: 7px; }

google stats tags are before the last closing </div> and could be placed one line below but BEFORE </body>

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sat 9. Feb 2008, 20:13
by sustia
Jensensen, that is the footer before to add the form CP, and this one below is the footer after to add that CP

Code: Select all

<!-- INIZIO: #piede -->
</a><div id="piede" class="piede">
<a name="jumpForm897" id="jumpForm897"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" border="0" height="7" width="960">

Realizzazione: Angelo Signore | </a><a class="piede" href="">Cerca nel sito</a> | 
<a class="piede" href="">Mappa del sito</a> | 
<a class="piede" href="">Newsletter</a>   | <a class="piede" href="">Contatti</a> | <a class="piede" href="">Licenza d'uso dei contenuti</a></div>

<!-- FINE: #piede -->

Like you can see there is an anchor

Code: Select all

 <a name="jumpForm897" id="jumpForm897">
that I have not inserted, but was inserted by the form CP.

Now in that page that I linked the anchor is not more visible because I've commented this

Code: Select all

//$CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" id="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" />';
and consequently the footer is the one that you can see.

The image is too large indeed, I will fix it, but is not the cause of the anchor, because it appears also with a width of 950 px.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sat 9. Feb 2008, 23:25
by Jensensen
Hi sustia,

now it becomes clear --> the image in ---> piede [and MUCH MORE the --> WAY --> WHY??? it occurs] is to blame!!!
throw it off --> very far away [kill it] and --> change your CSS [see above!!!!]

I really don't know WHERE this anchor has its origin!!!!
Are you using WYSIWYG???
Seems that you are editing one CP and then targeting --> {piede} [what is the footer on this page], aren't you???

Alternatively :
Place the code of your --> footer --> piede as plain HTML into your --> PAGE TEMPLATE [without spacer-image tag!!!]

But at least throw away this spacer image!!! AND adjust space with --> CSS [see above].
sustia wrote:...The image is too large indeed, I will fix it, but is not the cause of the anchor...
Right you are, it IS NOT - but --> WYSIWYG
and [after your changes] UNDO the --> hack!!!

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 11:21
by sustia
Hi Jensensen
I've killed the image.
Anyway, I'm not using any WYSIWYG, only code, and the code of my footer ("piede" for me) is that one I've posted.
The result is the same, except if I put the form CP in the right side of the page.

I don't know why, but several anchors are putted in the page, lke you can see in the code of this page:

Code: Select all

<a name="jumpForm897" id="jumpForm897">
<form name="phpwcmsForm897" id="phpwcmsForm897" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Just before to close the form:

Code: Select all

<a name="jumpForm897" id="jumpForm897">
  <input name="cpID897" value="897" type="hidden">
  <input name="d075bc6ede80c35949b55a0eea80ee01" value="1527" type="hidden">
<div style="margin: 0pt 0pt 5px; padding: 0pt;" class="spaceAfterCP">
and much more

Code: Select all

<div id="ie_clearing">
<a name="jumpForm897" id="jumpForm897">

Code: Select all

<a name="jumpForm897" id="jumpForm897">
<!-- INIZIO: #piede -->

Code: Select all

<div id="piede" class="piede">
<a name="jumpForm897" id="jumpForm897">
Realizzazione: Angelo Signore |
Anyway, I've not inserted any anchor, the anchor(s) are inserted by the form.

Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 12:07
by flip-flop
Please do this in /include/inc_front/content/ and your problem is gone.
Around line 31:

Code: Select all

// Form
// $CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" id="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" />';
$CNT_TMP .= '<a name="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'" id="jumpForm'.$crow["acontent_id"].'"></a>';
O.G. had used the short description of the anchor tag (<a name="jumpFormXXX" />). But
most browser dont understand this tag.
[EDIT]Since Snapshot 2007-12-29][/EDIT]


Re: jumpForm[CPID]

Posted: Sun 10. Feb 2008, 12:17
by sustia
Hi flip-flop
yes is exactly what I've done, and the problem was solved.

We're talking about this with Jensensen, in order to see if another solution exists, but I think that the best one is the one I have tried and that you have suggested me.