Before anything, I have phpwcms 1.3.3 installed, and working (except few issues).
Well my first question is why "image space" in images content part, at frontend, dosen't work when I put only one column (vertical spacing), but it is working when I put 2 or more columns (horizontal spacing).
I tried to put different "image space" values, but it is not working for vertical spacing (works for horizontal).
BTW, at my server, I have "famous" 1. January 1970 date (UNIX time?) for every article and content part I make. At frontend it is working just fine, but at bakend I have that "date" problem. Anyone got any idea what is wrong?
Second question...
How can I put search results in new page (with template, but without other content parts, except search content part).
Why? Because I need to put search cnt. part in a custom block (width 220px, height 150px), and when I get search results, it is displayed in same block with width 220px and height XXXpx, where XXX is more than I defined.
It would be nice to show results in new window.
Thanks in advance.
2 questions about image space, and search results.
2 questions about image space, and search results.
There is no page like home page...