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Tooltips f. article center & structure

Posted: Sat 12. Jan 2008, 15:57
by godmd
Hi everybody,

sorry to see the forum "Feature Requests" has been closed and also regretting that G. isn't a tooltip fan. However I find the various symbols in the article center and the structure section pretty small and then again I've never been ver good with symbols. Nevertheless I know how to help myself but the small symbols do cause problems for editors who are not as familiar with phpwcms and who are very uncertain about which symbol/button to click or even pick a wrong one.

So I'd really appreciate tooltips there or at least a legend on top of the symbols column. I think it would be a pity if phpwcms' usability would only be practical for insiders.


Re: Tooltips f. article center & structure

Posted: Sat 12. Jan 2008, 17:58
by 360fusion
I can see tooltips using firefox with phpwcms version 1.3.5 (latest) but not in ie7.

However i agree with the features section, I'd like this to reopen too so we can discuss possible new features. I have quite a few suggestions and by discussing then in a forum they can be open for constructive criticism where the community can discuss the pros and cons.

I'd like to see larger icons in the backend too. and maybe even the backend be wider as not many admins will be using a screen resolution of 800x600 or smaller anymore.


Re: Tooltips f. article center & structure

Posted: Sat 12. Jan 2008, 18:02
by update
You could use opera to edit your backed or you could use Firefox with the ImageZoom installed (don't forget to activate the "Zoom with Text" option)
Then (OPera) hit the + sign on your keyboard and watch out
Then (Firefox) hit Ctrl + and watch out

Your little icons become really huge - together with the text - and you will be able to determine which is what even from a distance of some hundred yards :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Tooltips f. article center & structure

Posted: Sat 12. Jan 2008, 23:44
by godmd

Deine Browseralternativen in allen Ehren, aber ich kann meinen Kunden schlecht vorschreiben, welchen Browser sie zu verwenden haben. Ich wollte eine Lösung vorschlagen und nicht den Weg des geringsten Widerstands suchen ...

Wenn du schon so schlau bist, erklär mir doch mal, wieso die Tooltips in FF angezigt werden und im IE nicht.


Re: Tooltips f. article center & structure

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 00:01
by update
Also hör mal, zu einer Browserdiskussion lasse ich mich nicht (nochmal ;) ) hinreissen, das ist allen sattsam bekannt, welche Browser die richtigen und welche nur ein besch.... Marketingtrick von mircosfot sind , you know.
Aber trotzdem: wenn Du blind bist oder eine Bewegungsbehinderung hast ---> Opera und Firefox
Solltest Du einigermaßen schmerzfrei geblieben sein ---> IE7
In einer völlig schmerzfreien Zone könnte man auch mit dem ----> IE6 oder ---> IE5.5
Das kannst Du Deinen Kunden sagen :lol:

Was vergessen: versuch mal, das einigermaßen leserlich auf den Schirm zu bekommen mit dem IE7 oder IE6 <-- das da sind die Browser :lol: :lol:

Re: Tooltips f. article center & structure

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 02:09
by Jensensen
[Hallo Ihr Beiden,]

this thread is almost in English, you remember?
As a.Mac enthusiast I am, I know this discussions sehr very well, believe me

[and must always puke when watching {my} web sites on MS machines - seems, they still not know how to smooth fonts on screen...grins...{was für ein grobschlächtiges, eckig-kantiges, mit anwiderndernden Farben ausgestattetes, ewig neu, meist überflüssig aufklappenden - zudem stets belästigenden, gleichsam ekelig, daher kommenden Fenstern [eben], sich geradezu feindlich jedem Versuch einer Orientierung widersetzendes Etwas...trotz themes...o.ä}...könnte ich jetzt endlos fortsetzen, vergleiche seit 20 jahren und hier fliegen die sch[dosen]eiss viecher ja auch rum...]

but this [animal] is what most people use!
So, you --> should try to make your sites work on most used OS and most used browsers.
CSS and some other workaround make this possible.

Much more, detailed information is served by google [et al.] analytics stats.

Re: Tooltips f. article center & structure

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 02:22
by update
To clarify some of the above:
I don't believe that this is the right time to unfold a discussion about enhancements while waiting for the true ones.
It is not my intention to disgust anybody coming up which enhancements or some hint or idea. But think about what will happen if OG really is starting to feel the need of such (unnecessary at this time) improvements and entering the train - there will be another christmas without all the features - arrgh, not again ...
As I've told above: there are possibilities to circumvent some of the smaller annoyances at this time and it's for sure no fault of phpwcms if some browsers can't handle this or that while others are doing it just fine.
Last but not least: Don't offend again some helping hand with remarks like "...wenn Du schon so schlau bist" or crap like that - you can never get even a shade of a glimpse of my capability of "Schlauness" - never.
Good luck.

Re: Tooltips f. article center & structure

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 02:28
by update
sorry - you where posting already while I was still writing calming down some of my arisen anger :wink:
But I fell back into English by myself remembering that is is an English one... but thanks for the hint :wink: