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can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 6. Jan 2008, 11:16
by jadoube

I have created a new user (frontend only). When I try to login as this user, I get ' errors during login'. I found in the forum instructions to add
ini_set('error_reporting', 'E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE');
in index.php - which I did - but I still don't know where to find the error text.

Please help - thanks in advance,


Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 6. Jan 2008, 11:18
by flip-flop
Hi Jean, what is the version you are using?


Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 6. Jan 2008, 11:20
by update
First question:
did you set

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['SESSION_FEinit']    = 0; // set 1 to enable sessions in frontend, 0 to disable sessions in frontend

EDIT: :oops: too lame this "morning! - has been gotten late yesterday night :lol:

Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 6. Jan 2008, 11:25
by jadoube
thank you for your fast responses:

flip-flop: I am using 1.3.3 (upgraded 2 months ago)

claus: yes, I had set this to 0. But setting it to 1 didn't change the behavior. Still getting 'errors during login'.


Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 00:21
by godmd

has your problem been solved? And if so, how?

I installed 1.3.5 with admin and two users, one for BE, one for FE. Whoever I try to login in the frontend login page I get either no reaction at all or once I got the message "wrong user/pw".

Furthermore this little red admin or edit box is missing in FE when I'm logged in in BE as admin.


Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 00:34
by Jensensen
godmd wrote:...Furthermore this little red admin or edit box is missing in FE when I'm logged in in BE as admin...
Are u sure that '#VisualModeIndicator' is in your CSS [frontend.css]?

Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 08:25
by jadoube
Hi Anke,

unfortunately my login problems are not solved yet. I haven't a clue what kind of errors are occurring - only "errors during login" ...


Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 10:17
by update
Did you also set the checkmark with "user may log in" ?

Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 10:32
by godmd
Are u sure that '#VisualModeIndicator' is in your CSS [frontend.css]?
Moin, moin!

Yes, it is. Any other suggestion?

Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 10:35
by godmd
claus wrote:Did you also set the checkmark with "user may log in" ?
Yes, Claus.

Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 13:10
by Jensensen
have a look for
TABLE `phpwcms_user`in your database...

check entries

Re: can't login with user other than admin

Posted: Sun 13. Jan 2008, 14:52
by godmd
Hi Jensensen,

got it working now after installing Oli's FE-Login workarounds files, setting sessions in config and using login-cp (html didn't render).

Since setting sessions to on the missing admin-edit box is being displayed as well. However is seems FE & BE login isn't allowing non-admin-users to edit files that I specified as editable by setting "article owner" to the respective editor. So I guess this will actually have to wait until Oli gets the user management ready for use.

(@Oli, bye the way: - when editing articles, while the admin in the field "article owner" appears with a colored background in IE7 it remains white in FF.)

Thanks for the help,