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Happy Birthday :-) Part II

Posted: Thu 6. Dec 2007, 10:22
by Pappnase
hello knut (flip-flop)

all the best to your 30th Birthday ;-)

Posted: Thu 6. Dec 2007, 11:16
by flip-flop
Thanks pappnase.

Yes, you are right, this is my 30th birthday like every year. The multiplier this year: 1.7

Knut :D

Posted: Thu 6. Dec 2007, 12:23
by juergen
Ok Knut, theres no need getting older, so stay as you are ;)

Best wishes from 1,55 :lol: and where there is a paypal Link to donnate a couple of beer, coffee or whatelse ? Even if it might be better to bring this stuff by myself, its better than nothing !!

..................................:X Fillin Paypal

:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:


Posted: Thu 6. Dec 2007, 15:47
by update
:oops: ...and all the best too from 1.82777periodic :wink:

Posted: Fri 7. Dec 2007, 11:08
by oeconom
All the best from me too, as 1,097 :wink:
Keep on rolling...


Posted: Fri 7. Dec 2007, 12:35
by zonk
Nachträglich Greez Flip-Flop :D

Posted: Tue 18. Dec 2007, 07:51
by jsw_nz
me too....
all the best Knut

- this season...
- and the next......
- and the next.........

Posted: Tue 18. Dec 2007, 20:30
by Mr.Flash
hatte letzte Woche meinen 30. Geburtstag...
(Faktor 0,9)

Posted: Tue 18. Dec 2007, 20:53
by nekket
Knut! Unbekannterweise trotzdem mal herzlichen Glückwunsch - 30 wird man nicht jedes Jahr! *duck*

Ich geh aber auch drauf zu ... *bibber* :D

Posted: Tue 18. Dec 2007, 22:30
by pepe
Mein Gott "Kinder", was bibbert ihr denn so... bei mir sind's die 60, die in Kürze fällig sind :lol:
Den "Faktor" kann ich nur noch per Rechner ermitteln :oops:

Da hat man "das Meiste" schon mindestens 2 mal hinter sich....
und durchaus berechtigte Gründe am Erscheinen einer Version 2.0 zu zweifeln :roll:
Für mich wird's also wohl nichts mehr, befürchte ich.

Allerdings: Mit 66 Jahren fängt das Leben erst an... sagt man?!?!?! (Auch da hab ich geringe Zweifel!)

Also, ihr Kids... Kopf hoch!!!

Posted: Wed 19. Dec 2007, 09:30
by update 66...
war das nicht "uns Udo" - nee, nich' der, der andere (ältere)...?

Posted: Thu 20. Dec 2007, 01:16
by Jensensen
Dear Knut,
[great brain!]

I'm a little bit late [ups] but best wishes from me [factor 1.3] too!!!
Many thanks for great solutions, tutorials, advice and being always! helpful and ---> ready to help!!!


@nekket: those [before] were goooood [best] times, staying in clubs at weekend, flirt with girls, hmm, was really great. but, there's NO need to 'bibber' since [at least] we have the all time thrilling internet [greatest revolution of modern times] and its apps. (you need more/else???)

@pepe: Great respect for you and your work!!!
If all [more] people in .de are/would be like you, we [w]could be leading edge.
[anecdote: During my work at an international operating provider (was settled in hamburg) the support guys told me, when asking: "What operating system do you use?", the people answered ---> "Word" :!:
Today that didn't change at all. :idea: ]
Right now we're about to fall back and with growth of 'pisa-krüppel' [worse than ---/censored/ stupid pupils] it becomes more 'difficult'. (to be reserved with my expressions)
Please, let us know, when factor 2 is reached....


Re: Happy Birthday :-) Part II

Posted: Thu 10. Jan 2008, 00:51
by Jensensen
As the board says [today]:

Code: Select all

Congratulations to: markus s (38)
...OUR moderator!
Congratulations, all the best - to factor 1.2666666
[so alt wird kein schwein]

Re: Happy Birthday :-) Part II

Posted: Thu 10. Jan 2008, 12:42
by markus s
wie ihr mein alter berechnet ist egal - es wird nicht weniger und ich werde nicht jünger...
aber wer will das eigentlich ? :roll: mir gehts gut und das wünsche ich auch, euch allen...
danke für die glückwünsche.
markus s

ach - und ein kleines geburtstagsgeschenk wünsche ich mir auch...
(userverw., kalverw.,archivsystem...usw)

Re: Happy Birthday :-) Part II

Posted: Thu 10. Jan 2008, 13:03
by phalancs