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[SOLVED] redirection page when not logged in

Posted: Tue 27. Nov 2007, 09:35
by heliotrope
Hello .
I'm using phpwcms (v.1.3.3.) for my website..
Some categories of the site are only visible to logged in visitors .
I've installed the search tool on everypage.
When a non-logged visitor makes a search and finds what he was looking for in the protected area, he clicks and goes directly to the index...

my problem:
I'd like that non-logged-in visitor reaches a specific page that would tell "you have to be logged-in to access this area . Ask for your password...blah blah "

Has someone a solution for this problem ?
Did someone coded a small hack ?
I didn't find anything about this ....

Thanks a lot in advance

Posted: Wed 28. Nov 2007, 16:00
by heliotrope
No solution to this problem ????
really ?

Posted: Wed 28. Nov 2007, 16:14
by update
You mean you can find protected (visible for users logged in only) entries while using the search function? :shock:

Posted: Wed 28. Nov 2007, 16:59
by heliotrope
claus wrote:You mean you can find protected (visible for users logged in only) entries while using the search function? :shock:
Hmmm... yess it seems very strange ..
In fact I'm creating an image bank ...
The "words" (gallery description) can be searched by non registered visitors.
But when they click on one of their results, they can't access the images and are automatcally redirected to Index of website ...
I'd just like them to get a page that tells they have to ask for their access codes ...

Posted: Fri 30. Nov 2007, 04:42
by rescamilla
I need a solution for this also.

I am using a hard coded navigation tree. When a user clicks on a menu item for logged in users only, they are directed back to the index page. I need to be able to direct them to a "you must log in first" page.


Posted: Fri 30. Nov 2007, 04:59
by rescamilla
SOLVED! Actually the solution was already built in.

You need to add a url to the "FE login url:" section of your templates. BACKEND>ADMIN>TEMPLATES

That way, if somebody clicks a logged in only link and they are not logged in, they can be redirected to a page that has a login form. You need to create that page of course.

Oliver has thought of it already!


Posted: Fri 30. Nov 2007, 08:33
by heliotrope
Hi Rescamilla...

The solution was just here, in front of me, in the admin ....
Thanks a lot to have opened my eyes .... !!