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Form - danish characters makes error

Posted: Wed 7. Nov 2007, 23:23
by perdy
Hello everybody.

The (email)Form in 1.3.3 behaves weird when I use the common danish characters æ, ø or å.

I've set everyting up with fields for name, email, message etc. and done some testing. The form-mails are perfectly send.

But when I then input some "on success" or "on error"-text, containing æ,ø or å, and hit the "update"-buttom all the content of the form disappears, and you have to start all over... :?

I tried to switch to html-mode, and used "ø" instead of "ø", but same result.

Is there anybody who knows if it's a bug, or ..?
Best wishes
- Per

Posted: Wed 7. Nov 2007, 23:55
by tester
Hi perdy!

Have you tried the newest snap shot - maybe it's been corrected.

Anyway I had a problem with 0 (zero) and Oliver corrected it.

Good luck

Posted: Thu 8. Nov 2007, 12:44
by Jensensen
Hi perdy,

was the same for me.



Posted: Thu 8. Nov 2007, 13:00
by perdy
THANK YOU for your answers.
I will try 1.3.5, Tester
and I'll find my german-dictionary and read through your link, Jensensen ;-)
(It's not a problem) :D

Have a nice day.
- Perdy

Posted: Thu 8. Nov 2007, 17:22
by perdy
Newest snap shot of 1.3.5 doesn't have the problem :D