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Posted: Wed 10. Oct 2007, 00:18
by tester

Just finished - or to be more correct - just released this site.
Still need to do some cleaning and optimizing. Anyway I'm quite happy with this one.

A great thanx goes to flip-flop, Oliver Georgi and markus s who spent time on my questions.

Anyway please comment on

Best regards

Posted: Mon 15. Oct 2007, 23:26
by Klappstuhl28
hi tester:

the markup doesn´t validate. ... ne&group=0

flyout works and the layout/content (as far as i checked
the site) looks perfect to me.

Maybe a line-break/word wrap from time to time

makes the text more friendly to the User´s eyes.

Anyway, i like it.


Posted: Tue 16. Oct 2007, 09:09
by tester
Hi! Klappstuhl28!

Thanx - I know the markup doesn't validate. It stopped validating when I moved makeEmailSpamSave.php from disabled to frontend.

I guess it's because it was written for html and not xhtml.

Does anybody know how to rewrite it?

I know I've got some very long lines - have to clean up the text.


Posted: Wed 17. Oct 2007, 12:27
by Klappstuhl28
tester wrote:
I guess it's because it was written for html and not xhtml.

Does anybody know how to rewrite it?

I know I've got some very long lines - have to clean up the text.

Hi Tester,

do you know nvu komposer? Normally a WYSIWG-Editor is able to
change html to xhtml. I don´t know if nvu is able to do so.
Maybe this is interesting:


Posted: Wed 17. Oct 2007, 18:46
by tester

Thanx for your inspiration.

[UPDATE]Changed to mailto: link - customer prefers it this way.
And after some hunting everything validates nicely now[/UPDATE]

Guess nvu won't help me much since makeEmailSpamSave.php renders code on the fly. I have to dig into the code which is a combination of javascript and PHP which I don't speak very well - my native language is Danish :-)

Anyway I decided on another solution and found this [RT] (NOSPAM_JS) made by flip-flop (thanx) in the forum.

It looks like it works but I don't know if it is as good or better than makeEmailSpamSave.php.

Now I'm fighting some <h4>tags in my teaser - see ie - they just won't validate.

What's going on here??
