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Showing picutes as 'slideshow' ?

Posted: Mon 24. Sep 2007, 20:08
by oeconom
Hi community,

I'd like to present some pictures on every article, followed one by another as a slideshow.
Please help me with your experiences what progrem/technique/... to untilize best for this purpose.
I know that there's photokorn with which this should work and slideshow pro (for which you need Adobe Flash + flash skill).

Thanks for your recommendations, best wishes,

Posted: Thu 27. Sep 2007, 13:46
by oeconom
anyone :?:

Posted: Thu 27. Sep 2007, 14:01
by fopulu

Posted: Thu 27. Sep 2007, 14:05
by marcus@localhorst
you could do the slideshow with JavaScript.
take a look here:

there is something available for mootools, which is included into phpwcms for the slimbox
maybe this:

I do not know them and I don't know how they works in detail.
Implementation in phpwcms depends on your knowlege in JS Libs and Php(wcms) - but it is possible ;-)

hope that helps to start.

Posted: Fri 28. Sep 2007, 13:45
by oeconom
Hey Marcus and fopulu,

thanks for your answers.
I'll have a look at it and will give it a try.

Best wishes and a nice weekend,

Posted: Fri 28. Sep 2007, 14:48
by oeconom
one last question regarding slideshowpro...:
I do have a flash 2004 mx license but honestly don't really know to use it.

Will I be able to create slideshows with slideshow pro if I'm not familiar with flash or xml?

Anyone who's experiences with slideshow pro...


Posted: Sat 29. Sep 2007, 03:19
by StudioZ
oeconom wrote:... Will I be able to create slideshows with slideshow pro if I'm not familiar with flash or xml?
Anyone who's experiences with slideshow pro...
Sure oeconom !
SlideShow Pro is (as you know) a terrific and affordable piece of software.
I am not an experimented Flash guy and still, just by reading the PDF Guide I have been able to find how to set the only parameter that was giving me trouble (the path to the slideshow -- if I recall?)

I would have to reinstall it where it was running (before server crash) to check this again. I was thinking about reinstalling it for a current project I have.. maybe in the next days when I have time ...



Posted: Sat 29. Sep 2007, 05:28
by Pappnase

did you mean something like that!?

but this one requires an coppermine installation :-)

i don't know if this works with the new version! try it ...
i would place the file into frontend_render

then you would have an tag like this {SLIDESHOW:1} The 1 is the number of the categrory you want display.[/img]

Posted: Sat 29. Sep 2007, 05:53
by StudioZ
Hey Pappase! We have stuff for all tastes, overhere :D
Very interesting 8)



Posted: Sat 29. Sep 2007, 06:38
by DeXXus
-=Fixed Pappnase's download link=-
(he sometimes types FAST -and- has FAT fingers! :P ):
Coppermine-based Slideshow

Posted: Sat 29. Sep 2007, 12:45
by oeconom
Thanks guys,
you're really helpful!
I'll try the different solutions and will come back with my experiences...

Best wishes, have a good weekend,

Posted: Sat 29. Sep 2007, 19:04
by Pappnase
DeXXus wrote:-=Fixed Pappnase's download link=-
(he sometimes types FAST -and- has FAT fingers! :P ):
Coppermine-based Slideshow
hehe dexxus

thanks my friend :-)