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Hi people

Posted: Mon 3. Sep 2007, 11:06
by messmigoo
Hi people,

My new installation did not work. I can't login and on this page:
almost everything turned red. I can't make a screenshot of it because I can get that page in my browser again. only this:

http://www.dezehoeftnogniet-nl.nl04.mem ... /login.php

Database connection did work also the making of the tables,

Maybe anyone can have a look.

thanx in advance 8)

Posted: Mon 3. Sep 2007, 12:37
by pico
What's up, good People?

are you shure that the URL is correct !? reads a little exotic to me :?

http ://

Sub-Sub-Sub-Domain :evil:

exotic url

Posted: Mon 3. Sep 2007, 12:51
by messmigoo
Thanx pico,

The url is right, here I installed an typolight installation, it's also a sub of that domein: in the typothry folder.

http://www.dezehoeftnogniet-nl.nl04.mem ... /home.html

I am not experienced enough to make an layout with a sub menu for typolight, so I want to try to create my own for phpwcms. It is a bit simpler I think.

Posted: Mon 3. Sep 2007, 13:00
by pico

maybe try a Foldername without Dots like phpwcms133 :?:

Posted: Mon 3. Sep 2007, 13:02
by juergen

if you like PM a FTP entry to this powerfull link :D I'll change your red to green ;)