CSS Hacks
Posted: Wed 22. Aug 2007, 11:12
Wile looking for a special Safari hack I found these Browser hacks and collected them from the web - all valid CSS
Will eventually not work in updated browsers, but mostly will work though for now
eydiv and eyclass are examples only
Will eventually not work in updated browsers, but mostly will work though for now
Code: Select all
Safari only
body:first-of-type {}
body:first-of-type #eydiv {text-align:left;}
IE 6 and below
* html {}
IE 7 and below
*:first-child+html {} * html {}
*:first-child+html #eydiv {text-align:left;} * html #eydiv {text-align:left;}
IE 7 only
*:first-child+html {}
*:first-child+html #eydiv .eyclass {text-align:left;}
IE 7 and modern browsers only
html>body {}
html>body #eydiv {text-align:left;}
Modern browsers only (not IE 7)
html>/**/body {}
html>/**/body #eydiv {text-align:left;}
Recent Opera versions 9 and below
html:first-child {}
html:first-child #eydiv {textt-align:left;}