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phpwcms and the idiot - a love story [in need of happy end]

Posted: Fri 14. Nov 2003, 11:23
by pSouper
Hi O&co,
Although l have fallen madly deeply in love with phpwcms and as with any new relasionship, we argue [a lot]. The truth is we're having a few cohabitation problems at the moment. As much I ask it to do some stuff it seams all it wants to do is drink beer and tell me to stop being so damn demanding all the time.
any help on any of the following issues are most apreciated.
i'm using... pc, winxp-pro, iis5.x, ie6.x, php4.3.4, sql
the problems that I am experiencing at the moment are...

posting a new article will timeout [60sec] and confuse my browser until i close/open - but the article will always have been posted corectly.

confirmation of new user by e-mail does not send the mail

unable to upload/download at all [ftp too] - i get an error...
'Please do not try again - this is an server error! Contact the webmaster to tell as soon as possible!'

can't find any way to include images in articles -no browse buttons or icon etc. I have the imagemagick & ghostscritp installed - but am unaware of any setup/config requirements with phpwcms, are there any?

when I close the browser or leave the phpwcms website and go back to it later i am presented with the login screen as i would hope but find i am still shown as logged too - I would have thought that i would not be shown as logged in if i were on the outside of the login screen - given a little time it does eventually logoff but i think this may be a timeout setting in sql or phph.ini that's doing it and not in the phpwcms as so is not so reliable.

while trying to alter the pagelayout [only change on thing] it get an error...
'Warning: fopen(/TINYTOTS/include/inc_conf/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\wwwroot\websites\TINYTOTS\include\inc_lib\ on line 679
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\wwwroot\websites\TINYTOTS\include\inc_lib\ in D:\wwwroot\websites\TINYTOTS\include\inc_act\act_pagelayout.php on line 144' - amy sugestions

thanking you all in advance, pSouper.

:cool: other than that it's a beautifull beast.