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Posted: Sat 30. Jun 2007, 20:12
by tellus
I have a little upgradeproblem, after I have upgraded a page from 1.2.6DEV to the latest version. When I try to add a contentpart, I got this error message:

error while creating new article content: Unknown column 'acontent_created' in 'field list'

How do I fix that?


Posted: Sat 30. Jun 2007, 20:40
by flip-flop
Hi tellus,

please use the search function.



Posted: Sat 30. Jun 2007, 20:41
by Jensensen
Hi tellus, ... entcreated

or try search - there r some entires to b found (in german, too)


PS: happy mitsommar til sverige. hope you have fine weather --> more than we in germany :cry:

Posted: Mon 2. Jul 2007, 13:36
by tellus
thanks, problem solved. the midsummer was very nice, the sun was not shinning, but it was no reign either. (exuse me for my bad english).

One oher thing, after I upgraded the page all symbols in articlelistning was replaced whith bullets
how do to change it back?


Posted: Mon 2. Jul 2007, 14:36
by Jensensen
don't know, but check html output AND adjust CSS!!

be sure to edit your templates, which are used for CPs since v1.1.3 very often.

have a look for the files in

especially in


one thing at least:
better use NAV_LIST_UL as your replacement tag (RT) for menus anywhere


Posted: Mon 2. Jul 2007, 20:54
by tellus
Another error, all contents in filelist are gone, only the ones who is put there after the upgrade are visible...



Posted: Fri 27. Jul 2007, 09:02
by wastl
I guess this has to do with the database update you just run the DB update again and it is hopefully solved.

Re: Upgrade

Posted: Fri 27. Jul 2007, 09:20
by Pappnase
wastl wrote:I guess this has to do with the database update you just run the DB update again and it is hopefully solved.

one question did you run all database updates from 1.2.6 to 1.3.3 via the upgrade script ?

Code: Select all


Posted: Fri 27. Jul 2007, 09:37
by flip-flop
Important: Please have a look into the generated output during the DB update.

Is/was there any error message (Scrolling the window of the output field)?

This very important check is the most unattended job by user.
