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Missing files or changed structure? (newbie's first trial)

Posted: Mon 12. Apr 2004, 19:34
by Moshu
Hi guys,
I have downloaded the 2004-02-20 release (it seemed to me the last stable version, which is always advisable for a newbie). To be honest downloaded even from 2 locations.
However when I tried to follow the Installation instructions (,0,0,1,0,0) arriving to this line referring to CHMOD

Code: Select all

8) FILE  phpwcms_template/inc_default/startup.html 666
I wasn't able to locate/find the inc_default folder or the file in it. Were they only in the older versions?

As well I was looking for a folder mentioned in many discussions regarding templates, namely img/article/elements/... - but there is no elements folder in the version I've got.

The rest went quite smoothly and, to my greatest surprise, it works even on php 4.1.2! (touch wood :wink: )

Posted: Mon 19. Apr 2004, 06:16
by 1996 328ti
Let's bump this up one. I'd like to know where the elements directory is also.

Posted: Mon 19. Apr 2004, 06:57
by DusX
I have the same release, and have that directory and file(phpwcms_template/inc_default/startup.html).

So I would guess that you have un tar/zipped the file locally and uploaded.
If so I imagine that you had ftp errors and these did not upload.
I would suggest uploading the tar file and untarring on the server, that way you can not have this type of error...

Or I could be wrong ;)

Posted: Mon 19. Apr 2004, 08:30
by evan
is it possible that you downloaded and uploaded a patch, rather than the complete package?

Posted: Mon 19. Apr 2004, 08:41
by DeXXus
DusX wrote:Or I could be wrong ;)
Or you more likely are RIGHT :wink:

It ~IS~ a part of the phpWCMS archive file that is downloaded in .ZIP or .TAR.GZ from either Sourceforge or

And to clarify, the "elements" subdir is just that... a sub-directory that Oliver created on the phpWCMS webspace to hold some graphic elements used in articles. It is NOT part of an install, it is OPTIONAL and "personally-named" by him for his OWN use. For example: ... ne_499.gif

Posted: Mon 19. Apr 2004, 13:34
by 1996 328ti
My install was on of those self installing scripts provided by my host. I much prefer to install files myself but for some reason I loose the connection with the database unless I use their installer. That ui show it was when I installed phpBB. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not. I did not want to take any chances with WCMS. I really hope I can get up to speed. This is the first CMS or portal that works on older browsers. Even though only 1% uses Netscape 4.x, I did not want to hear anyone whine. I'm really looking forward to learning how to use WCMS.

I'll download the current version and upload it again, minus the config files.

This is a big start.