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Many problems with PhpWcms

Posted: Wed 18. Apr 2007, 18:38
by bagins6
Hy ppl,

it´s my first post in this forum, yesterday i install the version 1.3.0, it´s done but with some problems, when i´m trying to do my site structure and save the codes and options, it returns to login.php and always markup Portuguese language.

i don't have any problems to made a template with css, tables or divs but i don't know where i put it into the backend area, i don't found any tutorial in English, everything is in German

and sorry, 4 my english :P

Posted: Wed 18. Apr 2007, 19:00
by Jensensen
Hi bagins6,

you're welcome!
Not easy to give you an answer right now. Could you please explain more detailed what happens and when?? Do you have a link to your page?
What was the problem with install?? Sounds that there are some errors with paths??? But much more errors may exist....

Posted: Wed 18. Apr 2007, 21:46
by flip-flop
Hi bagins6,

if you have solved your problems there is a little list of documentations and templates (link).

Regards Knut

Posted: Fri 20. Apr 2007, 17:04
by bagins6
give thanks flip-flop, now i dont have any problem with templates, but when i change anything in backend, and when i try to save, it returns to login page (sessions is destroyed), although it save my changes.


Can someone help me with this problem please?

Thank you!

Character set

Posted: Tue 22. May 2007, 16:23
by wastl
You definetely choose a wrong character set. For yr problem I assume it has to do with the installation proceedure. Pls investigate the forum or the phpwcms-docu website and go step by step along (after you backed up yr db-files as well as yr phpwcms-config-files.

Good luck


Posted: Tue 5. Jun 2007, 18:08
by ErikvdB
Hello bagins6,

As I'm having the same problem, I wonder if you found a sollution to your kick-out problem??

Kind regards,

Kick Out

Posted: Wed 8. Aug 2007, 05:41
by walnut
I am having the problem of getting kicked out when I save or update an article or category, etc. It does not happen all the time but quite frequently. Generally the work is not saved when this happens.

Anybody found an solution this yet?